Research Projects

  • AIST (Architecture for developing Intelligent Systems applied to urban Traffic and transport)

  • this project has as its primary goal the development of a complete architecture for agent-based solutions applied to urban traffic and transport problems. In our architecture we shall have the following elements: i. a model description using formal logic; ii. a BDI-agent implementation describing the high-level decision-making process; iii. a Multi-Agent System (MAS) wrapping up the BDI-agent, the artefacts and the environment; iv. apply formal verification tools (e.g., model checking) to verify the behaviour of our agents; v. use simulation tools to run the MAS in different scenarios; vi. embedded our agents into cyber-physical systems to test them in real-world scenarios.

  • AVIA (Autonomous Vehicles with Intelligent Agents)

    • Implementation and formal verification of intelligent agents representing the behaviour of autonomous vehicles.

    • SAE-RoR (Simulated Automotive Environment for the Rules Of the Road): deployment of a framework to represent the so-called Rules of the Road (or traffic rules) embedded into a rational agent.

  • MAPS (MultiAgent Parking System)

    • Implementation of smart parking systems using agents and multi-agent-based solutions.