
Two workshops will be held on Sunday, April 14th in B100 and B102, Wells Hall. The workshops will run from 9am - 1pm and breakfast will be provided.

We are pleased to announce that Christina Tortora from the City University of New York and Silvina Bongiovanni from Michigan State University will be our speakers!

Silvina Bongiovanni will present 9am-11am in B100.

Christina Tortora will present 11am-1pm in B102.

Please bring your laptop and earphones for Christina Tortora's workshop.

Silvina Bongiovanni:

The Phonetics of Phonological Variation

This workshop introduces participants to research in phonetics and phonology, particularly as it relates fieldwork. In addition to presenting examples of experimental research on phonological variation in the field, we will discuss strategies and issues to keep in mind for data collection, data management and organization, data analysis as we advance in the research process and as our projects grow.

Slides here:

Christina Tortora:

The Audio-Aligned and Parsed Corpus of Appalachian English (AAPCAppE): Design and Use

This workshop introduces participants to the Audio-Aligned and Parsed Corpus of Appalachian English (AAPCAppE; Tortora, Santorini, Blanchette, & Diertani 2017). The AAPCAppE is a 1-million word corpus of Appalachian English, with two basic components: (i) transcripts which are time-aligned with the speech signal (in Praat) and fully text-searchable, and (ii) a part-of-speech tagged and parsed version of the transcripts which are searchable online using structural queries. In addition to learning about why and how we built the corpus, workshop participants will learn how to use the corpus web-interface and to create corpus-search queries, through a hands-on experience in which we will explore a syntactic phenomenon particular to Appalachian English. As a result, workshop participants will also become familiarized with syntactic features particular to vernacular Englishes. In advance of the workshop, participants can familiarize themselves with the AAPCAppE, and register for it, by going to: