Glass Cyber Security Resume


Hello, My name is Gavin Glass, I have had the privilege to travel across the country as well as over seas due to being member of a military family. With all of the traveling, I have had the chance to meet many new people and experience different cultures. The opportunity to work with others from different backgrounds has always peaked my interests. I am currently a student at Georgia Southern University, I seek to obtain a future career in the general field of Cyber Security to give my self a more comfortable future. My pursuit in this career will also enable me to fund the things I enjoy most as well as my hobbies. In terms of hobbies, I am an avid user of Digital Illustrator and Photoshop for my own entertainment. I often use my hobby in the purpose of my friend group for whatever we may be doing. 

Educational Background

I am an entry level cyber security student of Georgia Southern University looking to expand my horizon on the subject of Cyber security. I am currently striving towards completing my Bachelors Degree in General Cyber Security; I have obtained an Associates in Digital Media for my passion of using Digital Illustration for my own benefits. I have gained some experience with different programming languages through my enrollment of courses related to Digital Media as well as Cyber Security.  I have learned an intermediate level of Python Coding through the multiple courses I have taken through Georgia Southern University and Gavilan Community College. I have a base level of knowledge on HTML and C++. 

Work Experience/Skills Learnt

Ord Community Commissary (Bagger)

Queen's Price Chopper (Deli Department)


Personal Phone: (831) 233 - 9048

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