Do you guarantee your services?

YES! Our unconditional guarantee is that you receive the best service ever .

How do I schedule an appointment?

You can schedule your appointment by phone, in person or online. Reservations for your appointment are held with a credit card or gift certificate.

How do I choose the right treatments and products ?

We offer complimentary consultations, and can make recommendations to fit your wants and needs. Whether you are looking for a skin care product line to use at home, or have specific needs for a salon treatment, we are always available to answer your questions.

Are reservations necessary?

We highly recommend making reservations in advance, but feel free to call on short notice, as we may have an opening or cancellation. A credit card will be necessary to hold your reservation.

Do you offer gift certificates ?

Absolutely! Salon and spa treatments are the perfect gift. Purchase an Instant Gift Certificate Online, or feel free to purchase it in person. We encourage recipients to use certificates within one year of purchase. After this time, there will be a $2 per month maintenance fee per certificate.

What is your cancellation policy?

Providing outstanding service is the core of our business. Because salon services are reserved especially for you, we ask that you notify us 24 hours in advance to change or cancel appointments without penalty. Without 24 hour notice, we will charge a fee of 50% of the price of the cancelled service, and 100% of the service in the event of a “no-show.” We thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.

What methods of payment do you accept?

Cash, Bank transfer , Visa, AfterPay, Mastercard and Glamourama Beauty Gift Cards.

What is your pricing policy?

All prices are subject to change. Product refunds must be done within 10 days of purchase with original receipt. Refunds may only be given to the original purchaser.