Policies & Procedures

GKSA Policies and Procedures


Dress your child in comfortable clothes appropriate for a school setting.  School appropriate dress includes decency and modesty.

No pajamas.  No vulgarity (clothes with obscene words, graphics, or gang related).  No bare midriffs. No off the shoulder shirts.  No flip flops.  Hats may be worn outside the classroom only.  IF participating in the Sports & Games elective, close-toed shoes are required.

Drop off

Pick Up

*If pick up plans change please contact Mandy Yu at 818-480-8277.  Students will not be released to anyone not on the authorized list.

Snack and Lunch

Greenhouse Kids Summer Academy will offer your student a snack and lunch each day.  Please refer to the menus provided on the Google site.

If your student has food allergies make sure to indicate those on the registration form.

If your student does not care for a menu item or has an allergy, please send a snack and lunch with them each day they do not plan to eat the Academy food.


If your child is sick, please respect others by keeping him/her with you.  If your child shows signs of sickness (including but not limited to fever over 100.1, vomiting, diarrhea, severe coughing, colored nasal drainage, pink eye, head lice, undiagnosed rash, open skin lesions, and any infectious disease), we reserve the right to remove him/her from the classroom.

Children who appear or become ill at church will be isolated from the other children and the parent/authorized guardian will be contacted immediately.

Parents are asked to contact Mandy Yu if their child contracts a communicable disease (such as COVID-19, chicken pox, head lice, fifths disease, etc) after attending a day of the GK Summer Academy.

The medical condition of any child or volunteer will be disclosed only to the extent necessary to minimize health risk to the person and others.  The CCAC elders and the GK Summer Academy Directors will be provided with the appropriate information concerning any special precautions that may be necessary.  GK Summer Academy will not disclose the health status of any individual without the express written consent of that individual , or in the case of a child, their parent or guardian.  

This GK Summer Academy Illness/Injury Policy exists for the protection of the children in our care.  We regret that it sometimes means not admitting children into the Academy for the time they are sick.

If a student becomes sick or is injured during the Academy, the parent or guardian listed on the student registration form will be notified immediately.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held the last Friday of the Academy, July 26, 2024, from 8:30am-1:00pm.  Sign ups will be available the week before the Academy starts.

Main Contact

If for any reason you need to contact us during Academy hours, you can reach Mandy Yu at 818.480.8277.