With DJ out of his life for nearly a year, Justin had also stopped using drugs. The tight restrictions placed on him by his grandmother kept him away from old temptations. His father was able to get him a job at the auto parts plant where several family members were employed. Justin worked the second shift as a laser technician, making parts for the Acura RDX. It was more money than he had ever made. He found a new girlfriend and was thinking about getting married.

Along with the 20th and Mission site, Hunt ran another location in the Marina on Chestnut Street. Hunt donated donuts generously to charities and school rallies and was connected politically, helping campaign for his friend, Mayor Joe Alioto. His shops became a family institution in the old working class Irish Mission and Italian Marina Districts.

I Leave No Place In My Life For Donut ShopLies

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By 1993, there were an all-time high of 8 donut shops on Mission Street between 16th and 24th Street. After a wave of deindustrialization and real estate speculation, the Mission was out of work and out of luck. The old Miracle Mile drifted in a splendorous disrepair. Dust fell silently in the darkness of abandoned movie theaters, their screens blank after a half century of reels unwound in the dark, working-class dreams on the main drag.

Magic Donuts was their chance. The neon falling donut sign, still standing tall over the dividing line between red and blue gang turf, was a beacon of hope, a symbol of chance for a better tomorrow for the Chaos. The family moved to Hayward and worked day and night to make the new shop in the City a success.

Little did the Chaos know, but when they called the police to complain about drug dealing or fighting in front of the store, the incidents were being compiled in a file that the police were hoping to use to shut down the donut shop at The Epicenter of Crime completely.

Soon, the Lexington Lookouts, a neighborhood watch group had formed. Fittingly, the new group met not in person, but online. Their chatrooms overflowed with complains about the donut shop and the group made it a point to call the police every time they saw something they thought might be criminal there.

The last couple of years of Magic Donuts depressingly mirrored many of the increasingly hard times for immigrants and longtime Mission residents. The donut shop had become a place where you could see 19 year old prostitutes get hit by 17 year old pimps. It was the place where Chaos nieces, Chan and Ra, worked all night in the shop before taking the early BART back to Hayward to attend high school.

after 32 years and now being unhappy is there another choice than to leave? Happiness is key in life and if I am not Happy my wife is not she is better of without me , sick of making her sad and I am sick to my stomach of not living , I am 52 and I see a lot of people getting sick and passing and that have never lived.. am I a coward if I leave?

Interesting, very defensive and eager to validate this option arent you. Lets hope should your current husband decide further along in your marriage hes no longer happy, you maintain this attitude. You sound smug and over confident about your own marriage. In fact I would say there is a higher risk of this occurring in your marriage at some point in the future when you least expected it because of the history of how you came together. Until you know how it feels to have given 32 years to a man or woman who then plans to leave you and destroy another persons life in doing so stop trying to justify and promote leaving its selfish.

I am in the same position as William, torn in mind, struggling with guilt and possible disapproval of my grown daughters though the daughters have said they support me. I am a soft and loving person with a big heart and my wife plays me like a fiddle. When I tell her I am very unhappy and really wish to leave, she plays her trump card and threatens never to speak with my daughters, will not leave them a penny (she is loaded but very cheap). I feel horribly threatened, my BP shoots up, (I am a senior citizen) and I know this stress is terrible for me, but I also wonder where I will go. I am talking with a woman on the internet but we have not met and I have no idea how it would go after or if we meet. Reading these blogs I see there are two camps : the first camp advocates we stay with out wives no matter what the abuse as we signed on for life, and the second group is saying that we have a right to our own happiness. I of course lean to the second group. So who is right ? In the end I am back to square one !

I have been married for 31 years, I am 55 years old.2 weeks ago my wife told me that she met someone 8 weeks ago and she is in love.6 years ago she had an affair and it devastated me the thing that stuck with me most is after she never took responsibility always saying it was my fault. Fast forward 6 years same thing do not hesitate to leave if someone devalues you and your feelings move on i just moved out 2 days ago.I cant wait to see what happens next in life .

The topic of the October 19, 2021 post is absolutely some of your best work! As I read this post, my mind raced to the students I teach now. Many of them are interning and preparing to graduate in May 2022. A teaching career will look completely different for them. These students are not where I was as a preservice teacher in the 1980s. They will balance school requirements with life better than I did because they will refuse to allow the two to cross paths. They will draw the line at ridiculous demands from their administrators because they do see better ways to handle those initiatives, and they will suggest alternatives. They will leave school at school, which is something I could never do. This group of preservice teachers is so resilient that they will not view teaching as the end-all-be-all. They will approach teaching through a healthier framework. Unlike me, their identity will not be based solely in their choice to become an educator. They are equipped to be an educator and have a life in ways that I am only now embracing.

Hello Christy, these make yummy gifts! Let the waffles cool completely after making and either leave plain or drizzle with dipping chocolate and let cool completely again.

Once they are completely cooled, place in a cello bag and tie however you choose. Thanks for reading ABK!



It all depends on the climate. If you live in a humid climate, the waffles will soften after cooking if left out. To make sure they stay on the crisp side, let cool completely, then place on a cookie sheet and bake for about 5 minutes at 375-400 on the center rack of an oven. Watch carefully to make sure they do not burn! Let cool completely again, then pack in an airtight container, with appear towel under the waffles. If you live in a dry climate, leave out overnight uncovered. Hope this helps!



If your Li-ion batteries are nearing their end-of-life, they can create hazards for your workplace. While this type of battery is known for providing a longer lifespan than other batteries (such as lead acid), they do have a limit as to how many cycles of charging and discharging they can perform safely. If your batteries have been used extensively, you should implement an inspection and disposal system to take your aged batteries out of daily use.

Due to the increased prevalence of this type of battery in both the workplace and the home, there are a multitude of environmentally-friendly recycling options available across Australia. Check with your local recycling organisation to find out the best way to recycle your end-of-life lithium-ion batteries.

But if you simply can't bear to stay there, I guess it's something you'll have to work out with the host. Just remember that the host didn't leave donuts out on the counter overnight, you did. That isn't the host's fault.

I am looking for advice at this point. I am not an owner but a guest, and I believe our condo is owned by a management company rather than owners, regardless, my husband, son and I checked in late yesterday. We unpacked our things and went out for dinner and to walk around. We came back late-ish, my son went to sleep my husband watched TV and I went to the store for breakfast items/coffee, etc. The second I returned I put everything away. I am pretty funny about unknown places and bugs so the majority of the items went in the fridge, even if that's not normally where it's stored. I had 1 donut and left the well closed box of Entenmann's donuts and a bunch of bananas on the counter. This was close to midnight. By 6:30-7:00a.m. my husband got up and ate about half a donut when he said he realized his hand was tingling/burning. He looked down and realized he had ants all over his hand/the donut in his mouth, etc. Of course I took pictures and you can clearly see where the donut sat in the box due to the void of ants. I don't even want to go into the kitchen area, my husband is completely freaked out about the thought of digesting live ants. I have nearly $200 of groceries in the kitchen and even though most are unopened and or in the fridge, I don't think either of us will be able to stomach eating any of it. There are ants everywhere at this point! I want to call and scream and I am honestly not even the complainer type. I understand that especially in condo/apartments settings, roach and ants are commonly found, but seriously! I AM A CLEAN PERSON!!! I even washed all silverware and glasses before I even went to the store! I had seen the can of ant and roach killer under the sink and didn't think too much about it, maybe "hey, it's here incase you see a roach or something"....I would NEVER have expected THIS!!! We are only staying one more night but we WON'T stay here!!! What do I do!? What should I expect? 589ccfa754

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