Working papers

Conditional divergence risk measures with F. A. Maccheroni [arxiv]

Representations of cones and applications to decision theory with P. Leonetti [arxiv]

A nonlinear sandwich theorem with M. Ghossoub & L. M. Stanca [arxiv]

Anticomonotonicity for preference axioms: the natural counterpart to comonotonicity with P. P. Wakker & R. Wang [arxiv]

Recursive preferences and ambiguity attitudes with M. Marinacci & L. M. Stanca [arxiv]

On the weighted top-difference distance: axioms, aggregation, and approximation with A. Aveni & L. Crippa [arxiv] 

Allocation mechanisms in decentralized markets with frictions with M. Ghossoub & R. Wang [arxiv]

Absolute and relative ambiguity attitudes with F. Fabbri & L. M. Stanca  [ssrn] [arxiv]