My research Interest

Meta-Analysis and Economic Psychology

I recently concluded a paper with Matteo M. Marini on economic psychology and meta-analysis (already under review for forthcoming publication). The paper helped to study the effect of cross-cultural difference on three economic outcomes. Meta-analysis proved to be an interesting tool that can be use in another fields in future (maybe also fertility, why not?)

Fertility choices: why children are 'disappearing'

Since my Bachelor's Degree, I have developed an interest in fertility choice. What makes women abandon the idea of having children?  Why women with higher education and in top working positions do not make any family planning choice or they give up motherhood? What is the mechanism behind this choice?

Labour Markets and Import Competition

At the moment, I am focusing on studying import competition and labour markets using Bartik instrument or Shift-shares. Losing job due to company shutwon and aggressive competition may influence women's careers, to which extent?