
Selected Articles (Peer Review)


Resce, G., & Vaquero-Piñeiro, C. (2024). Political favouritism and inefficient management: Policy-makers’ birth town bias in EU quality certifications. Journal of Policy Modeling, 46(3), 683-702. 

Cirulli, V., Resce, G., & Ventura, M. (2024). Co-payment exemption and healthcare consumption: quasi-experimental evidence from Italy. Empirical Economics, 1-26. 

Delogu, M., Lagravinese, R., Paolini, D., & Resce, G. (2024). Predicting dropout from higher education: Evidence from Italy. Economic Modelling, 130, 106583. 

Bucci, V., Ferrara, G., & Resce, G. (2024). Female presence in local government and cost efficiency: the case of Italian municipalities. Regional Studies, 58(1), 16-29. 

Bucci, V., Ferrara, G., & Resce, G. (2024). Local government spending efficiency and fiscal decentralization: evidence from Italian municipalities. Applied Economics, 56(5), 599-614. 


Pietrovito, F., Pozzolo, A. F., Resce, G., & Scialà, A. (2023). Fiscal decentralization and income (re) distribution in OECD countries’ regions. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 67, 69-81. 

Atella, V., Braione, M., Ferrara, G., & Resce, G. (2023). Cohesion Policy Funds and local government autonomy: Evidence from Italian municipalities. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 87, 101586. 

Carnazza, G., Liberati, P., & Resce, G. (2023). Income-related unmet needs in the European countries. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 87, 101542. 

Carnazza, G., Liberati, P., & Resce, G. (2023). Income-related inequality in smoking habits: a comparative assessment in the European Union. Health Policy, 128, 34-41. 

Liberati, P., Resce, G., & Tosi, F. (2023). The probability of multidimensional poverty: A new approach and an empirical application to EU‐SILC data. Review of Income and Wealth, 69(3), 668-700. 


Resce, G., Zinilli, A., & Cerulli, G. (2022). Machine learning prediction of academic collaboration networks. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 21993. 

Resce, G., & Vaquero-Piñeiro, C. (2022). Predicting agri-food quality across space: A Machine Learning model for the acknowledgment of Geographical Indications. Food Policy, 112, 102345. 

Resce, G. (2022). The impact of political and non-political officials on the financial management of local governments. Journal of Policy Modeling, 44(5), 943-962. 

Carneiro, B., Resce, G., & Sapkota, T. B. (2022). Digital artifacts reveal development and diffusion of climate research. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 14146. 

Carneiro, B., Resce, G., Läderach, P., Schapendonk, F., & Pacillo, G. (2022). What is the importance of climate research? An innovative web-based approach to assess the influence and reach of climate research programs. Environmental Science & Policy, 133, 115-126. 

Liberati, P., & Resce, G. (2022). Regional well-being and its inequality in the oecd member countries. The Journal of Economic Inequality, 20(3), 671-700. 


Carrieri, V., Lagravinese, R., & Resce, G. (2021). Predicting vaccine hesitancy from area‐level indicators: A machine learning approach. Health Economics, 30(12), 3248-3256. 

Resce, G. (2021). Wealth-adjusted human development index. Journal of Cleaner Production, 318, 128587. 

Garbero, A., Carneiro, B., & Resce, G. (2021). Harnessing the power of machine learning analytics to understand food systems dynamics across development projects. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 172, 121012. 

Antulov-Fantulin, N., Lagravinese, R., & Resce, G. (2021). Predicting bankruptcy of local government: A machine learning approach. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 183, 681-699. 

Carnazza, G., Liberati, P., Resce, G., & Molinaro, S. (2021). Smoking and income distribution: Inequalities in new and old products. Health Policy, 125(2), 261-268. 

Resce, G., & Schiltz, F. (2021). Sustainable development in Europe: A multicriteria decision analysis. Review of Income and Wealth, 67(2), 509-529. 

Ishizaka, A., Resce, G., Fukuyama, H., & Genovese, A. (2021). Foreword: Decision making for environmental sustainability. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 75, 101021. 

Ishizaka, A., & Resce, G. (2021). Best-Worst PROMETHEE method for evaluating school performance in the OECD's PISA project. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 73, 100799. 


Coco, G., Lagravinese, R., & Resce, G. (2020). Beyond the weights: a multicriteria approach to evaluate inequality in education. The Journal of Economic Inequality, 18, 469-489. 

Lagravinese, R., Liberati, P., & Resce, G. (2020). Measuring health inequality in US: a composite index approach. Social Indicators Research, 147(3), 921-946. 

Lagravinese, R., Liberati, P., & Resce, G. (2020). The impact of economic, social and cultural conditions on educational attainments. Journal of Policy Modeling, 42(1), 112-132. 

Greco, S., Ishizaka, A., Resce, G., & Torrisi, G. (2020). Measuring well-being by a multidimensional spatial model in OECD Better Life Index framework. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 70, 100684. 


Resce, G., Lagravinese, R., Benedetti, E., & Molinaro, S. (2019). Income-related inequality in gambling: evidence from Italy. Review of Economics of the Household, 17, 1107-1131. 

Caravaggio, N., Caravella, S., Ishizaka, A., & Resce, G. (2019). Beyond CO2: A multi-criteria analysis of air pollution in Europe. Journal of Cleaner Production, 219, 576-586. 

Lagravinese, R., Liberati, P., & Resce, G. (2019). Exploring health outcomes by stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis: An application to Italian regions. European Journal of Operational Research, 274(3), 1168-1179. 

De Matteis, D., Ishizaka, A., & Resce, G. (2019). The ‘postcode lottery ’ of the Italian public health bill analysed with the hierarchy Stochastic Multiobjective Acceptability Analysis. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 68, 100603. 


Resce, G., & Maynard, D. (2018). What matters most to people around the world? Retrieving Better Life Index priorities on Twitter. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 137, 61-75. 


Patrizii, V., Pettini, A., & Resce, G. (2017). The cost of well-being. Social Indicators Research, 133, 985-1010. 


Patrizii, V., & Resce, G. (2015). Public sector contribution to competitiveness. Italian Economic Journal, 1, 401-443. 

Other Articles (Peer Review)


Brunori, P., Resce, G., & Serlenga, L. (2022). Searching for the peak: Google Trends and the first COVID-19 wave in Italy. International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, 12(4), 445-458. 


Garbero, A., Resce, G., & Carneiro, B. (2021). Spatial dynamics across food systems transformation in IFAD investments: a machine learning approach. Food Security, 13(5), 1125-1143. 

Benedetti, E., Resce, G., Brunori, P., & Molinaro, S. (2021). Cannabis policy changes and adolescent cannabis use: Evidence from Europe. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10), 5174. 


Gerra, G., Benedetti, E., Resce, G., Potente, R., Cutilli, A., & Molinaro, S. (2020). Socioeconomic status, parental education, school connectedness and individual socio-cultural resources in vulnerability for drug use among students. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(4), 1306. 


Molinaro, S., Resce, G., Alberti, A., Andreoni, M., D′ Egidio, P. P., Leonardi, C., ... & Villa, S. (2019). Barriers to effective management of hepatitis C virus in people who inject drugs: Evidence from outpatient clinics. Drug and alcohol review, 38(6), 644-655. 

Nieto-Garcia, M., Resce, G., Ishizaka, A., Occhiocupo, N., & Viglia, G. (2019). The dimensions of hotel customer ratings that boost RevPAR. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 77, 583-592. 


Ishizaka, A., Resce, G., & Mareschal, B. (2018). Visual management of performance with PROMETHEE productivity analysis. Soft Computing, 22, 7325-7338. 


Alfiero, S., Elba, F., Esposito, A., & Resce, G. (2017). The impact of environmental factors on the measurement of managerial efficiency in the Italian waste management sector: Framework and empirical evidence. International Journal of Public Administration, 40(10), 820-832. 


Patrizii, V., & Resce, G. (2013). Municipal police costs and efficiency. Economia dei Servizi, (3), 221-238. 

Books and Chapters


Disuguaglianze tra territori e politiche di coesione. In Pace L. F. (a cura di). Quo vadis Europa? Le sfide dell'Unione europea nel tempo delle crisi.  Una riflessione multidisciplinare. Edicioni Efesto ISBN978-88-3381-484-1

Fondi della political di coesione e autonomia locale: Una analisi preliminare sui comuni italiani (con Braione M. e Ferrara G.). In Degni M. (a cura di).  Rapporto Cà Foscari sui comuni 2023. I comuni dentro la sfida del PNRR. Castelvecchi Editore ISBN 978-88-3290-599-1


Il costo politico del riequilibrio (con Lagravinese R.). In Degni M. (a cura di).  Rapporto Cà Foscari sui comuni 2022. I comuni davanti alla sfida del PNRR. Castelvecchi Editore ISBN 978-88-3290-599-1

Valutare le politiche di coesione e le politiche della ricerca e dell’innovazione (con De Maggio M.). In Coletti R. and Filippetti A. (a cura di). UE la sfida per la coesione. Il Sole 24 ORE ISBN 9.791.254.832.649


Quanto conta la differenza di genere nell'amministrazione comunale? (con Bucci V. e Ferrara G.). In Degni M. (a cura di).  Rapporto Cà Foscari sui comuni 2021. La risposta dei comuni alla crisi pandemica. Castelvecchi Editore ISBN 978-88-3290-599-1

Prevedere i dissesti dei comuni: un approccio Machine Learning. (con Lagravinese R.). In Degni M. (a cura di).  Rapporto Cà Foscari sui comuni 2021. La risposta dei comuni alla crisi pandemica. Castelvecchi Editore ISBN 978-88-3290-599-1


Sulle relazioni tra dimensione, ambiente e performance finanziaria dei comuni italiani.  (with Paradiso M. and Lagravinese R.) In  Degni M. (a cura di). Rapporto Cà Foscari sui comuni 2020 . Castelvecchi Editore ISBN 978-88-3290-072-9

La Sanità nel Mezzogiorno tra crisi economica e vincoli finanziari. (with Lagravinese R.) In Coco G.  e De Vincienti C.  Una Questione Nazionale: Il Mezzogiorno da "problema" a "opportunità" . il Mulino Editore. ISBN: 8815285768


Miti e realtà della condizione finanziaria dei comuni italiani: un approccio multi-criteriale. (with Paradiso M. and Lagravinese R.) In M. Degni. Rapporto Ca’ Foscari sui comuni 2018 (I comuni italiani dopo la grande crisi finanziaria). Castelvecchi Editore. ISBN: 978-88-3282-719-4 


Consumi d'azzardo 2017 - Rapporto di Ricerca sulla diffusione del gioco d’azzardo fra gli italiani attraverso gli studi IPSAD® ed ESPAD®Italia, (with Cerrai S. and Molinaro S.) CNR Edizioni, ISBN 978 88 8080 301 0

Editorial Activity

Editor: Economics & Statistics Discussion Papers

Guest editor: Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Special issue Decision Making for Environmental Sustainability

Refereeing Activity 

Social Indicators Research, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, European Journal of Operational Research, ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Journal of Business Research, Tourism Review, Communications in Statistics, Preventive Medicine, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Operational Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management; Sustainability; International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics; Land Use Policy; Structural Change and Economic Dynamics; Economics and Human Biology; Italian Economic Journal; Health Policy; Health Economics; Economia Politica; Urban Studies; Scientometrics; Energy Economics; Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization; Higher Education; Applied Economics.