
About me

Hello and welcome! My name is Giuliamaria and I am currently a PhD candidate at the University of Trieste (Italy) working under the supervision of Prof. Luca Manzoni and Prof. Chad Giusti.

My research interests mainly lie in the fields of combinatorics, algebraic topology and stochastic topology, and also include evolutionary computation and natural computing models, like P systems and cellular automata.

I received my Bachelor’s and Master’s in Pure Mathematics from the University of Trieste and I wrote my Master’s Thesis in Algebraic Topology under the supervision of Prof. Mattia Mecchia. In 2021 I received my Master’s in Applied Mathematics from the University of Delaware, where I worked with Prof. Chad Giusti. 

Contact information


Office 323 Building C5 - Via Alfonso Valerio 6, 34127 Trieste (TS)