Giulia Cervia

Associate Professor (MCF) at IMT Lille Douai

Contact and links

giulia . cervia @

Google Scholar and ResearchGate


I graduated in Mathematics from the University of Pisa with a thesis on Polarization of DMCs and Polar Codes pursued with a master stage at Thales Alenia Space, Rome.

I earned my PhD degree at the Laboratoire ETIS – joint research unit (UMR 8051) of Université Paris Seine, ENSEA, Université Cergy-Pontoise and CNRS – with a thesis on Coordination of autonomous devices over noisy channels.

Advisor: Prof. Inbar Fijalkow

Co-supervisors: Dr. Laura Luzzi, Dr. Maël Le Treust

From january 2019 to august 2020 I was a PostDoc at KTH – Stockholm – carrying out research on information theory.

Co-supervisors: Prof. Mikael Skoglund, Prof. Tobias J. Oechtering

I'm currently Associate Professor (MCF) at IMT Lille DouaiLille, France.

I prepared the booklet for 2019 IEEE Information Theory Workshop

Open PhD position at IMT Lille Douai! Info here

PhD Students

Sara Saeidian (co-supervision with Tobias J. Oechtering and Mikael Skoglund)

My full CV is available here.

Updated Feb 2021