I had the same issue as @AndreasSliwka, no matter what option I put into pull_policy in the config file, it would always try to pull the image. In then end I added --docker-pull-policy=never to the gitlab-runner call and that finally took it.

You can run your CI/CD jobs in separate, isolated Docker containers.If you run Docker on your local machine, you can run tests in the container,rather than testing on a dedicated CI/CD server.To run CI/CD jobs in a Docker container, you need to:Register a runner so that all jobs run in Docker containers. Do this by choosing the Docker executor during registration.Specify which container to run the jobs in. Do this by specifying an image in your .gitlab-ci.yml file.Optional. Run other services, like MySQL, in containers. Do this by specifying servicesin your .gitlab-ci.yml file.Register a runner that uses the Docker executorTo use GitLab Runner with Docker you need to register a runnerthat uses the Docker executor.This example shows how to set up a temporary template to supply services:cat > /tmp/test-config.template.toml /root/.docker/config.json # Final image based on GitLab Runner FROM gitlab/gitlab-runner:${GITLAB_RUNNER_VERSION} # Install necessary packages RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends jq procps curl unzip groff libgcrypt20 tar gzip less openssh-client \ && apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # Copy AWS CLI and Amazon ECR Credential Helper binaries COPY --from=aws-tools /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/ # Copy ECR Credential Helper Configuration COPY --from=aws-tools /root/.docker/config.json /root/.docker/config.json To build the custom GitLab Runner Docker image within a .gitlab-ci.yml, include the following example below: variables: DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2 IMAGE_NAME: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME GITLAB_RUNNER_VERSION: v16.4.0 AWS_CLI_VERSION: 2.13.21 stages: - build build-image: stage: build script: - echo "Logging into GitLab container registry..." - docker login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER -p $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD $CI_REGISTRY - echo "Building Docker image..." - docker build --build-arg GITLAB_RUNNER_VERSION=${GITLAB_RUNNER_VERSION} --build-arg AWS_CLI_VERSION=${AWS_CLI_VERSION} -t ${IMAGE_NAME} . - echo "Pushing Docker image to GitLab container registry..." - docker push ${IMAGE_NAME} rules: - changes: - Dockerfile Register the runner.Help & feedback DocsEdit this pageto fix an error or add an improvement in a merge request.

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Gitlab Runner Docker Image Download

Download 🔥 https://urluss.com/2y3IQI 🔥

And also the image is OK, since starting it with docker run the startup process proceeds regularly down to the mult-user target. At this point if I docker attach to the container and sends in commands with the keyboard they are correctly executed by the shell spawned by systemd through my custom shell unit.

I can successfully log in via docker login, and this error only appears after Pulling docker image gitlab-runner-helper:11.2.0 .... Does anybody have any advice on how I can debug this? Any information would be helpful

It tells me apt-get: command not found. I've tried with apk-get as well, but no differences. I've tried to find a different docker image that has lftp installed ahead of time, but then I just get a lftp: command not found:

Is the correct path here to start docker containers with gitlab runners registered in it, but the docker container itself needs to be docker in docker? Is the official gitlab runner alpine image able to run in docker in docker?

We are using gitlab continuous integration to buildand test our projects. Recently, one of the projects added the requirement for CUDA to enable GPU acceleration. I do not want to change our pipeline (docker and gitlab-ci are working well for us), so I'd like to somehow give docker the ability to talk to an nvidia GPU.

Note that if you only want to compile CUDA code and don't need to run it, you don't need to use nvidia-docker2, have the nvidia driver on the host PC, and there are no special steps for getting it working in gitlab CI. (ie you only have to do step 3)

Notice that although I've specified the 9.0-base image, nvidia-smi reports Cuda 10. I think this is because Cuda 10 is installed on the host PC. The nvidia-docker documentation says that it will use cuda from the docker image, so this shouldn't be a problem.

You should use the Nvidia dockerhub docker images directly unless you have a good reason not to. In my case, I wanted to use a docker image based on Debian, but Nvidia only provides images for Ubuntu and CentOS. Fortunately, Nvidia posts the dockerfile for their images, so you can copy the relevant part of their dockerfiles from them. I based mine on

When researching around the web, most sources tell you that you can't supply the --runtime flag from gitlab runner configuration. Actually, according to this merge request, you can. To do so, you have to edit /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml and add in runtime = "nvidia" to the right place.For example, my runner configuration looks like:

So i have an Gitlab instanz, a Gitlab runner and a nexus server.

Because we are currently using an standalone registry from an Github project we want to switch to nexus for the docker registry aswell. Everything works fine except for the docker image the runner itself is using.

Below are the two different ways getting the docker image for the Gitlab runner:

The gitlab runner i running locally on my workstation. When i use the docker commands locally on my workstation everything is fine i can do docker login, docker pull, docker push without any problems.

I have plans do go after a gitlab runner custom executor: so a runner running (on nomad) that creates nomad (docker) jobs for executing the CI job. quite similar the custom executor for lxd (Using LXD with the Custom executor | GitLab) was made.

If you have specified a container image in your CI/CD job, then there is no impact to you. In other words, your GitLab SaaS CI/CD job will only run in the default container if no image is set for the job in the .gitlab-ci.yml pipeline file.

I am running a gitlab ci script. It is to summon php:5.6 and run the commands within the php:5.6 container, but I have a feeling that gitlab is bashing this out in the Ubuntu shell of the gitlab-runner instead of the container.

In this article, we detail a common recipe we use to automatically regenerate our internal Docker image whenever `rust:latest` is updated to point to a new version. This involves committing to the repo from a CI-runner, as well as scheduling and organizing our CI runs so that we get the new Rust image shortly after release.

1. `.gitlab-ci.yml`: The CI file for our repository.

2. `Dockerfile`: The file used to build Docker images.

3. `VERSION`: A file containing the version triplet (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, e.g. `1.2.3`) of our Docker image.

My guess is that some default option changed and you were using an old version of the docker image. To get the latest version, try to do a docker pull rootproject/root-ubuntu16. If you have a specific request for build options for the docker image, let me know. I will update the build scripts soon.

In this post, we are going to guide ourselves through the initial setup of GitLab using Docker. We will be using Docker inside a VPS for hosting our GitLab instance, spawning GitLab runners at will when building, and creating Docker images. With the following setup, we will be able to perform builds using any technology stack, be it Go-based, NodeJS, Java, etc.

After setting up our Docker installation, the first step towards setting our environment is to run the image of GitLab, using a persistent store inside our host machine. So GitLab will run inside a docker container, but it will use the host machine's disk to save data and load configurations.

Personally, I prefer the latter, as I like to keep things clean. I also prefer to keep my certbot certificates to a centralized location to my host machine for future uses, like testing my docker images (have the host as a staging server).

The above Dockerfile uses node:10.16 to transpile our application. When the build finishes, it produces an image ready to be executed, using 10.16-alpine as the base image. This way, we can have all the required components installed when building (webpack, node-sass, typescript compilation tools), but only a handful when running, which results in a very thin image. This will save much space (more than 1GB per build) when storing it to a docker container registry (this is especially important if one uses a paid docker registry).

Now, that we have an installation ready, we need to add "gitlab-runners" and connect them to our GitLab installation. When a GitLab pipeline is run, it searches for an configured runner which is available, and will use it to perform the build. A GitLab runner has many modes it can operate, which represent how the build will be performed. Among other modes, there is support for spawning Kubernetes pods, or Docker containers to perform builds.

We see that GitLab is saying "Use the following registration token during setup", and provides is with a registration token. This will be used by the gitlab runner to register a new runner configuration. After copying this token, let's setup our runner configuration by using the gitlab-runner configuration we just created. Let's enter the newly created gitlab-runner container via bash. 2351a5e196

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