I don't want to clean it up just yet, at the moment I've pushed the whole thing into a docker container and it's running fine talking to google cloud's mysql databases etc as it should locally and also on a remote google cloud testing VM.The dream is to be able to push to the development branch, and then merge the dev banch into the test branch which then TRIGGERS automated tests (easy part), and also causes the remote test VM (hosted on google cloud), to PULL the newest changes, rebuild the image from the latest docker file (or pull the latest image from gitlab image register)... and then rebuild the container with the newest image.

I'm playing around with gitlab's runner but I'm not understanding what it's actually for, despite looking through almost all the online content for it.Do I just install it in the google cloud VM, and then when I push to gitlab from my development machine.. the repo will 'signal' the runner (which is running on the VM, to execute a bunch of scripts (which might include git pull on the newest changes?).

Gitlab Runner 15.4.0 Download

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Because I already pre-package my app into a container locally (and push the image to the image registry) do I need to use docker as my executor on the runner? or can i just use shell and shell the commands in?

What is runner actually for,where is it meant to be installed?

Does it care which directory it is run in?

If it doesn't care which directory it's run,where does it execute it's script commands? At root?

You have your project along with a .gitlab-ci.yml file. .gitlab-ci.yml defines what stages your CI/CD pipeline has and what to do in each stage. This typically consists of a build,test,deploy stages. Within each stage you can define multiple job. For example in build stage you may have 3 jobs to build on debian, centos and windows (in GitLab glossary build:debian, build:centos, build:windows). A GitLab runner clones the project read the gitlab-ci.yaml file and do what he is instructed to do. So basically GitLab runner is a Golang process that executes some instructed tasks.

A runner can have mutiple executors such as docker, shell, virtualbox etc but docker being the most common one. If you use docker as the executor you can pull any image from docker hub or your configured registry and you can do loads of stff with docker images. In a docker environment normally you run them as the root user.

GitLab runner is a build instance which is used to run the jobs over multiple machines and send the results to GitLab and which can be placed on separate users, servers, and local machine. You can register the runner as shared or specific after installing it.

Shared Runners :These runners are useful for jobs multiple projects which have similar requirements. Instead of using multiple runners for many projects, you can use a single or a small number of Runners to handle multiple projects which will be easy to maintain and update.

Specific Runners :These runners are useful to deploy a certain project, if jobs have certain requirements or specific demand for the projects. Specific runners use FIFO (First In First Out) process for organizing the data with first-come first-served basis.

A google search revealed nothing specific to gitlab-runner. I checked the gitlab-runner service which does not depend on any other services. So I do not understand the error message. I would appreciate any help I could get.

just a quick question about runner configuration:

I'm trying to setup a runner for a project. The GitLab the project is on, has HTTP basic auth activated. I couldn't find anything on this on the web. Anyone knows a solution how to configure the runner to access the gitlab (the runner api) using basic auth?

Changing the gitlab configuration isn't really a possibility since I'm not in control of that (gitlab of my university).

I had the same issue as @AndreasSliwka, no matter what option I put into pull_policy in the config file, it would always try to pull the image. In then end I added --docker-pull-policy=never to the gitlab-runner call and that finally took it.

I have plans do go after a gitlab runner custom executor: so a runner running (on nomad) that creates nomad (docker) jobs for executing the CI job. quite similar the custom executor for lxd (Using LXD with the Custom executor | GitLab) was made.

GitLab Runners are the applications that process CI/CD jobs on GitLab.com and self-hosted GitLab instances. GitLab.com provides their own hosted runners that are shared amongst users of the site, but you can also set up dedicated private runners for your projects through several different installation types. For enterprises or individuals that like to manage their own pipeline infrastructure in the cloud, the GitLab Runner Operator, available as a Red Hat Certified Operator in OpenShift, provides a fast and easy cloud-native installation of GitLab Runners.

Since we are running our build containers in the environment of an OpenShift cluster, we need to be sure the build containers run without escalated privileges and as a non-root user (Note: there are ways around this if you really know you need a privileged build environment, but we will be sticking with a non-root setup). Here's a simple config.toml that specifies the runner pod will run as non-root user 1000:

Now we can create our actual Runner instance. Again, you can do this with the web console by clicking Create instance on the GitLab Runner Operator page, or through the terminal. Either way, we want to be sure that our Custom Resource Definition includes the correct GitLab URL, the name of our registration token Secret, the name of our ConfigMap, and that it includes "openshift" in the tags (this last item of the "openshift" tag is required for jobs to be passed to your cluster). Here is a basic CRD named gitlab-runner.yml which fulfills all our criteria:

You can now check the status of your new runner in the web console or through the terminal with oc get runners. We should also check in our GitLab project's CI/CD settings to make sure the runner properly linked to our repository. You should now see a runner under the heading Assigned project runners with the same name as the CRD we created and installed.

Assuming everything went without a hitch, we now have a self-hosted CI/CD pipeline running on our own OpenShift cluster that regularly creates new custom Silverblue images. Our runners should require no manual intervention unless we wish to reconfigure build job tags or create more runners to handle more concurrent jobs. Builds will start at our scheduled intervals and when we commit new code to the main branch, and if we are running our custom image on a Silverblue installation we simply need to run rpm-ostree update to pull in our daily updates.

Of course it's not very professional at the moment (I'm pretty new to the gitlab pipeline) but I'll push my research so that it's more complete when making merges requests and more robust like any .gitlab-ci.yml.

Recently I have configured a Gitlab Runner on a VM and I wanted to add keychain on that VM to allow runner to execute commands like scp or SSH without exposing my SSH passphras ( -passwordless-login-with-keychain-for-scripts/)

If somebody else (you don't trust) can push any arbitrary command into your .gitlab-cy.yml, he can basically run any arbitrary code on your virtual machine and on your other machine (which is certainly not what you want).

Setting up the Gitlab Runner is a time-consuming process. It involves provisioning the necessary infrastructure, installing the necessary software to run pipeline workloads, and configuring the runner. For enterprises running hundreds of pipelines across multiple environments, it is essential to automate the Gitlab Runner deployment process so as to be deployed quickly in a repeatable, consistent manner.

Once the docker executor image has been pushed to the Gitlab Container Registry, we can deploy the Gitlab Runner. The Gitlab Runner infrastructure is described in the Cloudformation template gitlab-runner.yaml. Its configuration is stored in a properties file called sample-runner.properties. A launch template is created with the values in the properties file. Then it is used to launch instances. This architecture lets you deploy Gitlab Runner to as many environments as you like by utilizing the configurations provided in the appropriate properties files.

The lifecycle hook works like this: A CloudWatch event rule actively listens for the EC2 Instance-terminate events. When one is detected, the event rule triggers a Lambda function. The Lambda function calls SSM Run Command to run a series of commands on the EC2 instances, via a SSM Document. The commands include stopping the Gitlab Runner gracefully when all running jobs are finished, de-registering the runner from Gitlab projects, and signaling the autoscaling group to terminate the instance.

To remove projects from the Gitlab Runner, follow the steps described above, with just one difference. Instead of adding new tokens to the RunnerRegistrationTokens parameter, remove the token(s) of the project that you want to dissociate from the runner.

Each Gitlab Runner can be configured to handle a fixed number of concurrent jobs. Once this capacity is reached for every runner, any new jobs will be in a Queued/Waiting status until the current jobs complete, which would be a poor experience for our team. Setting the number of concurrent jobs too high on our runners would also result in a poor experience, because all jobs leverage the same CPU, memory, and storage in order to conduct the builds.

There are many tutorials around, but I am so confused, because I am not familiar with docker or its terminology (I am getting there), I know just enough gitlab to get it to run, and have no idea what a DNS A record is. Also, I keep staying for a while in a tutorial/website to realize I am in the wrong spot. You could have gitlab within docker, dockers within the gitlab-runner, gitlab-runner within docker... 2351a5e196

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