Some events have multiple activity types. For these events, you can specify which activity types will trigger a workflow run. For more information about what each activity type means, see "Webhook events and payloads."

Note: More than one activity type triggers this event. For information about each activity type, see "Webhook events and payloads." By default, all activity types trigger workflows that run on this event. You can limit your workflow runs to specific activity types using the types keyword. For more information, see "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions."

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Runs your workflow when branch protection rules in the workflow repository are changed. For more information about branch protection rules, see "About protected branches." For information about the branch protection rule APIs, see "Objects" in the GraphQL API documentation or "REST API endpoints for branches and their settings."

Runs your workflow when activity related to a check run occurs. A check run is an individual test that is part of a check suite. For information, see "Using the REST API to interact with checks." For information about the check run APIs, see "Objects" in the GraphQL API documentation or "REST API endpoints for check runs."

Note: More than one activity type triggers this event. For information about each activity type, see "Webhook events and payloads." Although only the completed activity type is supported, specifying the activity type will keep your workflow specific if more activity types are added in the future. By default, all activity types trigger workflows that run on this event. You can limit your workflow runs to specific activity types using the types keyword. For more information, see "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions."

Runs your workflow when check suite activity occurs. A check suite is a collection of the check runs created for a specific commit. Check suites summarize the status and conclusion of the check runs that are in the suite. For information, see "Using the REST API to interact with checks." For information about the check suite APIs, see "Objects" in the GraphQL API documentation or "REST API endpoints for check suites."

Runs your workflow when someone creates a Git reference (Git branch or tag) in the workflow's repository. For information about the APIs to create a Git reference, see "Mutations" in the GraphQL API documentation or "REST API endpoints for Git references."

Runs your workflow when someone deletes a Git reference (Git branch or tag) in the workflow's repository. For information about the APIs to delete a Git reference, see "Mutations" in the GraphQL API documentation or "REST API endpoints for Git references."

Runs your workflow when someone creates a deployment in the workflow's repository. Deployments created with a commit SHA may not have a Git ref. For information about the APIs to create a deployment, see "Mutations" in the GraphQL API documentation or "REST API endpoints for repositories."

Runs your workflow when a third party provides a deployment status. Deployments created with a commit SHA may not have a Git ref. For information about the APIs to create a deployment status, see "Mutations" in the GraphQL API documentation or "REST API endpoints for deployments."

Runs your workflow when a discussion in the workflow's repository is created or modified. For activity related to comments on a discussion, use the discussion_comment event. For more information about discussions, see "About discussions." For information about the GraphQL API, see "Objects."

Runs your workflow when a comment on a discussion in the workflow's repository is created or modified. For activity related to a discussion as opposed to comments on the discussion, use the discussion event. For more information about discussions, see "About discussions." For information about the GraphQL API, see "Objects."

Runs your workflow when an issue or pull request comment is created, edited, or deleted. For information about the issue comment APIs, see "Objects" in the GraphQL API documentation or "Webhook events and payloads" in the REST API documentation.

The issue_comment event occurs for comments on both issues and pull requests. You can use the github.event.issue.pull_request property in a conditional to take different action depending on whether the triggering object was an issue or pull request.

For example, this workflow will run the pr_commented job only if the issue_comment event originated from a pull request. It will run the issue_commented job only if the issue_comment event originated from an issue.

Runs your workflow when an issue in the workflow's repository is created or modified. For activity related to comments in an issue, use the issue_comment event. For more information about issues, see "About issues." For information about the issue APIs, see "Objects" in the GraphQL API documentation or "REST API endpoints for issues."

Runs your workflow when a label in your workflow's repository is created or modified. For more information about labels, see "Managing labels." For information about the label APIs, see "Objects" in the GraphQL API documentation or "REST API endpoints for labels."

If you want to run your workflow when a label is added to or removed from an issue, pull request, or discussion, use the labeled or unlabeled activity types for the issues, pull_request, pull_request_target, or discussion events instead.

Runs your workflow when a milestone in the workflow's repository is created or modified. For more information about milestones, see "About milestones." For information about the milestone APIs, see "Objects" in the GraphQL API documentation or "REST API endpoints for milestones."

Runs your workflow when someone pushes to a branch that is the publishing source for GitHub Pages, if GitHub Pages is enabled for the repository. For more information about GitHub Pages publishing sources, see "Configuring a publishing source for your GitHub Pages site." For information about the REST API, see "REST API endpoints for repositories."

Note: More than one activity type triggers this event. The edited activity type refers to when a project (classic), not a column or card on the project (classic), is edited. For information about each activity type, see "Webhook events and payloads." By default, all activity types trigger workflows that run on this event. You can limit your workflow runs to specific activity types using the types keyword. For more information, see "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions."

Runs your workflow when a project (classic) is created or modified. For activity related to cards or columns in a project (classic), use the project_card or project_column events instead. For more information about projects (classic), see "About projects (classic)." For information about the project (classic) APIs, see "Objects" in the GraphQL API documentation or "REST API endpoints for Projects (classic)."

Runs your workflow when a card on a project (classic) is created or modified. For activity related to projects (classic) or columns in a project (classic), use the project or project_column event instead. For more information about projects (classic), see "About projects (classic)." For information about the project card APIs, see "Objects" in the GraphQL API documentation or "REST API endpoints for Project (classic) cards." 152ee80cbc

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