Meta-Evolutionary Machine Intelligence Laboratory

Evolutionary AI

Fall 2022

Last Announcement


This is the updated final score for the Evolutionary AI class this semester.
Thank you to each and every one of you for your efforts this semester!

Have a good day!

Published Date:  December 28, 2022, 15.00 (GMT +9)
Score Recapitulation (Final).pdf

Course Information

This course covers a variety of nature-inspired computing techniques; the representative component is evolutionary algorithms (EAs), which will be mainly studied. A number of issues behind EAs from design, theory to applications are extensively investigated. Furthermore, state-of-the-art topics such as the multi-objective EAs and the probability-model based EAs are covered.


"Genetic algorithms in search, optimization, and machine learning" by David E. Goldberg, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company


Instructor:  Prof. Chang Wook Ahn -

Teaching Assistant:  Ananda Phan Iman -

Lecture Notes