GIST Integrated Circuit Design Lab

Welcome to Integrated Circuit Design Lab!

Welcome to the research group website of Dr. Il-Min Yi (Assistant Professor) in School of EECS, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Korea. The research of our group is focused on semiconductor circuit design for various applications including high-speed wireline communication and data converter circuits.

We are currently hiring students for MS, MS/PhD integrated, or PhD courses. Highly motivated students are always welcome. If you are interested in our group, please contact Il-Min Yi (

Latest News

2024/03/29 : [Congrats] 이정민 석사과정생 및 공승환 석박통합과정생 '석사과정생연구장려금지원사업' 과제 선정

2024/02/01 : [Welcome] Dongho Kim joined GIST ICDL. 

2024/01/01 : [Welcome] Seunghwan Gong joined GIST ICDL. 

2023/07/01 : [Welcome] Jeongmin Lee joined GIST ICDL. 

2023/02/01 : Group website is opened.