Gissell Estrada-Rodriguez

Assistant Professor 

Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)Department of MathematicsJordi Girona, 1-3,08034, Barcelona, Spain
email:  Office: 334 (3rd floor, Omega building)

I'm currently an Assistant Professor at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain. I was recently awarded a research project from the Spanish government "Proyectos Generacion de Conocimiento 2022" (PID2022-143012NA-I00) with the title "Kinetic equations for high dimensional and nonlocal interacting particle systems: Macroscopic limits, analysis and numerical methods (macroKNIGHTs) "  from 2023 to 2026. 


A copy of my thesis can be found here.

You can check my Google Scholar for updates.

Research interests: