Linus made a overview video on Spyder products ( =r7pLuX1fZsk). It seems like NCIX offers cheaper price than what you listed in your post ( =0&q=spyder), but I don't know whether NCIX ships to Australia.

Ah okay. Thanks for the link. Yeah my reason for getting the pro over the express or elite is that the express only allows single display calibration and the elite...well...just too expensive. So the pro is the kind of hybrid between the two and the best value for money I think, what about you?

Spyder 3 Express Software Mac

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dear lord, i hate this thing.

i have tried 10 (yes, 10) times to calibrate my laptop and it always comes out blue.

it did a fantastic job on my CRT at home - very happy with that - but i can't stand what it does to my laptop.

i'm hoping someone else has had this issue & knows of a quick fix.

i was better off un-calibrated with the generic profile that windows gave it.

and to really piss me off, if i unload the spyder profile and put the generic profile back... the damn software reloads the spyder profile on me.

any help or suggestions?

Originally posted at 4:06PM, 14 June 2010 PST(permalink)

 Nionyn_ edited this topic 108 months ago.

I just got my spyder3express and am having similar problems with my laptop. My tower on the other hand ends up with a great looking screen.

I get an ugly brown tinge to my laptop screen though. I think it has something to do with the fact that I can't set the laptop to 6500K color temp. But I can't seem to find another way around this issue at this time.

If anyone comes up with anything please let me know.

ages ago(permalink)

I had a net book that would go ugly whenever I calibrated the dang thing. Laptop, desktop fine, netbook fubar. Then I changed the white point the spyder software suggests (can't remember what I ended up with, but it was something like they suggested 6000k and I went with under 5000k in the end.) Compard it with the other two puters till it was close, now everything is fine. Although I must admit I never adjust color on the netbook.

ages ago(permalink)

i was having the exact same problem and I was so irritated because the screen was way too blue! I knew it could not be normal... so I kept searching and on my last try (before I threw out the program) was to:

open the spyder express program > on top near FILE click on GO> Preferences> Put a check mark on LCD Native

I did the calibration again and my screen looks very similar to what I originally started off with (uncalibrated) but a little darker and slightly adjusted.

Please let me know if this works for you :)

ages ago(permalink)

@alfredk just use the test in my link with your perfectly calibrated laptop monitor and then tell us if you can find a viewing angle that renders that text invisible from side to side/top 2 bottom [as it is on any factory calibrated ips monitor]... 

even with a perfect viewing angle you are still sitting at 0 degrees to the center of the image and 20-45 degrees to the sides..

what good does correcting a 2-3% gamma/color shift do if the shift between the center and the sides of the image is at least 10-20% [unless you are sitting 15 feet away from the laptop]? corrected or not, you shouldn't be editing pictures on laptop monitors. 

[you can find a 22" IPS monitor for the price of the spyder 3 elite]

Edit: $2000 dell laptop vs 22" $250 Dell IPS monitor


I'm not talking about the extreme-red-turns-blue viewing angle in the first image


this is what I'm talking about: 10-30% color shift even when viewed from a perfect angle.. which makes spending money on an external monitor a better option than spending it on laptop calibration tools.

Originally posted ages ago. (permalink)

 dr.rece edited this topic ages ago.

If this sounds elementary, I apologize in advance, but check these things.

1. Delete "Adobe Gamma" from the startup menu if it is still there.

2. Not sure about Spyder 3 express, but make sure you have "LCD" monitor checked and not "CRT"

3. Make sure you have the attachment on the Spyder for calibrating LCDs (not the suction cups).

4. Make sure you are setting the software to the target Gamma and Temperature that you want. ( My lab wants me to shoot for 1.8 Gamma at 5000 K Temperature in order to match their settings).

I use a Spyder2 Pro. I don't know if all these options are available on the Spyder3 Express. If not, I apologize.

Originally posted ages ago. (permalink)

 Rick Ramsey edited this topic ages ago.

i've bought a spyder3 express about 2 months back and can draw several conclusions.

- the colorshift from uncalibrated to properly calibrated can be shocking! this might trick you into thinking something went wrong. most screens are delivered pretty warm by default.

- the software that comes with the 'express' version is VERY limited.

i've recently started using Coloreyes software because the spyder software gave me a green hue on both of my computers, specially in the blacks. using coloreyes this problem was solved.

the upgraded software for the spyder allows for more control over it's settings as well and might be worth looking into to upgrade.

ages ago(permalink)

Thank you, this is most helpful. I was looking at the huey but I will go for the spyder now. I have only macs and need it to work. I have not used any calibration before so it will be good to try it out.

Is the instrument itself the same in all versions? Only the software changes? The Spyder3 express is the same as the Spyder 3 Pro, Elite or Studio?

 If so, I could use all of them with the SpectraViewII software for their built-in wide gamut correction filter, any of the three should work for that purpose, right?!

I need a colorimeter with correction filter for wide gamut monitor to work with SpectraViewII. There are only three I heard of. The NEC i1d2 custom mated, the spyder3, and the dtp94 in Eizo's and Quato's bundle of matched screen & colorimeter.

The regular i1d2 has NO correction filters.

 The NEC custom mated i1d2 does have them.

 Spyder3 is also supposed to be corrected for wide gamut monitors.

 I did not buy the SpectraViewII bundle, only the software. So now I have the P241 and SpectraViewII but no instrument that does the corrections. SpectraViewII does not apply any such filters. (I found a very interesting explanation about all this going on now @LL )

 The spyder3 express is, if it works, the cheapest instrument that I could get with correction.

Therefor I would like to now two things

 - Is the instrument itself, I don't need the software, is it the same in all spyder versions, the express, pro, elite and studio?

 - And why do some people, that know what they talk about, advice not to use a spyder3?

The regular i1d2 has NO correction filters.

 The NEC custom mated i1d2 does have them.

 Spyder3 is also supposed to be corrected for wide gamut monitors.

 I did not buy the SpectraViewII bundle, only the software. So now I have the P241 and SpectraViewII but no instrument that does the corrections. SpectraViewII does not apply any such filters. (I found a very interesting explanation about all this going on now @LL )

 The spyder3 express is, if it works, the cheapest instrument that I could get with correction.

 Therefor I would like to now two things

 - Is the instrument itself, I don't need the software, is it the same in all spyder versions, the express, pro, elite and studio?

 - And why do some people, that know what they talk about, advice not to use a spyder3?

Just got the spyder express5 it download easy But when I got to the last page it was to big for my screen and I could not scroll down to get to the next step. I have a service contract with dell and they couldn't get it to fit my screen so that I could get to the final steps. I hate to send it back and get some other color moniter. They don't reply to help E mails so I am at I a lost. Dell assured me my dell laptop is working fine. Can you help?

 Thank you--- connie

Hello Fabio , I'm a professional photographer and urgently needed a calibrator for my new dell monitor, the monitor model is the Dell U2715H ultra sharp , I was thinking of getting a spyder 5. Which version that you advise me to express , pro or elite, will be only to calibrate the monitor, because the prints and albums that do are always in specialized labs .

I tried several options:

- Reboot

- Unplug the spyder 2 express

- Remove the driver from the devices management panel and reinstall it

- Run dispcalGUI as administrator

- Remove Dispcal and reinstall be457b7860

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