Welcome to the pictorial universe of Giselle Ebermeyer

Passion for Painting.

Not long ago now, an acquaintance of mine asked me why I had moved from a "dark" painting style to a more "luminous" painting ?

This is something that cannot be answered even by a psychologist, a good friend of mine, cannot explain – The only analogy is about the inner feeling or perhaps a conflicint feeling.

In this case it is more of a paradoxical, which my friend would call "dark" and relating this to happier times, like my husband my marriage and marriage.

As for my “luminous” paintings, they relate to a long period of sadness after the death of my husband.

Not so long ago after my late husband’s passing, I found love within which will in time bring new inspirations for what I love the most doing.

In time this will shine within my new paintings and would be a huge privilage if you would be kind so enough
to follow me on this new journey.

Thank you all

Giselle E.
