GIS Applications

Spring Term 2020

With the COVID-19, I thought I'd put together a web site to put information, answer questions, videos, etc. As of now, we will continue working virtually with the hopes of returning to the lab May 4.


Please try and follow the schedule while you work from home. Take screenshots of completed chapters. You can email me as you complete or get them all to me at the end of the term.

If you need a break from the book, something isn't working, or you don't have a book, I am offering extra credit for any completed online tutorials you complete (one tutorial will be equivalent to one chapter). There are some good youTube video series out there as well. Just keep track of what you watch and complete.

ArcGIS Earth is a free esri application that you can install on your computer or phone. The mobile data collection possibilities seem to be very interesting. For extra credit, download ArcGIS Earth on computer or phone and try it out.

COVID-19 GIS and maps and everywhere now. Take a moment to explore the maps that esri and other entities are producing. The last two are maps I've made over the past week.

Comments, questions, discussion