Research and Talks


Combinatorial Automorphisms of Spherical Varieties, Imperial College London, Junior Geometry Seminar, 24.05.24

Combinatorial Automorphisms of Spherical Varieties (20 minutes), Shrewsbury, Women In Number Theory and Geometry (WINGs) 2024, 18.04.24

Combinatorial Automorphisms of Spherical Varieties, University of Birmingham, Calf, 22.02.24

Classifying lattice triangles in a square (5 minutes), Goethe University Frankfurt, Vector bundles and combinatorial algebraic geometry, 10.10.23

Classifying Spherical Gorenstein Fano four-folds (20 minutes), University of Warwick, GAeL XXX, 06.07.23

Classification of small-dimensional lattice simplices by their multi-width (15 minutes), University of Bristol, Tropical Days in Bristol, 19.05.23

Classification of lattice triangles by their first two widths (15 minutes), Chesterfield, Women In Number Theory and Geometry (WINGs) 2023, 18.04.23

A Generalisation of Hermite Normal Form (5 minutes), Goethe University Frankfurt, Newton-Okounkov Bodies & Tropical Geometry, 15.11.22

The number of lattice triangles contained in a square (5 minutes), University of Bath, Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry Workshop, 01.08.22

A Classification of Lattice Triangles Contained in a Square, University of Tübingen, 21.07.22