How to Make a Married Man Fall Madly in Love with You

Love knows no boundaries; you can fall in love with anyone at any time. Yes, love is unpredictable. But, when you fall for a married man, attaining love can seem impossible. But, let me tell you, ladies, it's not!

So, if you're looking for how to make a married man fall madly in love with you, here are some tricks.

Give Him All the Attention He Needs

Sometimes men get avoided by their wives when kids get involved in her life. Her time gets mostly consumed by her housework, and her children and men feel neglected. There comes your chance to grab his attention by giving him your attention. Focus on his needs when you're around him, and he will return to you again and again; he feels like an outsider in his own home.

Go Crazy in Bed

Sex life usually gets most affected in any marital relationship after kids. The spark fades out after some time, usually from the women's side. Men, on the contrary, always seek adventure in bed, and when their wives fail to cooperate, they get disappointed. You can score here. Give the man what he wang in a bed, and he will never think of leaving you. Reward him, and he'll get hooked to you (well, literally) and crave for your presence.

A spiced-up sexual relationship with another woman gives a sense of thrill to a man, and you can capitalize on that.

Appreciate and Acknowledge Him

Usually, married women get a little time appreciating their husbands after they get engulfed in their domestic life. On the other hand, men need their egos boosted now and then (yes, bitter truth). You can offer him what they don't get at home, appreciation and praise. Give him compliments on everything he does. If he shows any affection towards you or does something for you, then acknowledge his efforts. You can also compliment him on the way he dresses and his overall style.

Look Sexier Than His Wife.

This can make a huge difference

Women after marriage usually let go of their appearance. All she cares about now is how her house and kids look and not how she looks. She gives you a chance to enter her man's life. Always try to look sexier when he's around. Dress your best to woo him and make him never look towards his wife again.


Making any man go crazy after you aren't that hard, and when it comes to married ones, the rules of wooing the men are the same. However, if a man is faithful to his wife, I would recommend you to stay away from their relationship for your own sake. The heartbreak that comes with loving a married man is immense, and if a man is already charmed with another woman, then it's even more hurting.

Save yourself from the heartbreak if you think he and her wife have chances of reconciliation.

How to Make a Married Man Fall Madly in Love with You