How to use the Wiki

Welcome to the Girl Life - English Community Version wiki!

It can be a little confusing here if you're not used to it, so this page will explain some things that might not be obvious.

General Notes

The most important thing to understand is that this Wiki is not comprehensive. The game is developing rapidly, and the Wiki can't always keep up. If you have any questions that are not answered here, please ask on the TFGamesSite forums here.

The general intention of this wiki is to allow players to discover as much of the content available in-game as possible. There is a vast amount of content, but this might not be obvious to a new player, as much of it requires the player to have acquired certain stats / relationship levels / items, and certain areas are still underdeveloped (stick in Pavlovsk or St Petersburg for the majority of content).

It can sometimes be helpful to check more than one page. For instance, if you want to know more about an event concerning Fedor at the gym, you can check both the page for the character Fedor, and the page for the gym location.

To find a page quickly, use the search feature! This should be in the top-right of your screen (though I haven't tested it for mobile yet -Pocket). You can also just browse with the navigation bar (though if doing so, please note most pages do not appear on it) and on-page links.

Please be aware that the game offers multiple different start options: the main ones being 'Schoolgirl', 'Cursed Schoolgirl', and 'Transformation'. Some of the pages refer to events, people, or places that are not accessible in all starts. Everything relating to the Pavlovsk School and your family is available only in the two schoolgirl starts, everything relating to magic is available only in 'Cursed Schoolgirl' or 'Transformation'.

Finally, help with some acronyms: If we say PC or NPC, we refer to the Player's Character or the Non-Player Characters, respectively (i.e. the character you control when playing vs the characters you don't). This is common usage in virtually all gaming communities, not just Girl Life. Also, often the PC is referred to as Sveta - we try to avoid this nickname, because you can name the character whatever you want, but it might have slipped the radar in some places.

Location Pages

The location pages are grouped by, well, location. There is a hierarchy to these pages - when you click the 'Locations' button at the top of the screen, you will see the top level. Hover over it, and you'll see the main divisions - these refer to Geographical areas each around a few miles in diameter (although the exact size isn't really relevant to the game). Click on any one of those, and you'll see a list of all locations the player can visit in that area. Or rather, you will be able to see that soon. The wiki is still under development.

The pages below them (e.g. 'Pavlovsk Residential Street'), and all other location pages (not directly accessible from the navigation bar at the top, but accessible from the lists mentioned above), are quite different. These pages represent specific views that the player might have in game. You will first see a short description of that area, followed with information about any NPCs that you might meet in that area, any events which might trigger when you visit the area, any actions you can take while in that area, and any other locations which can be visited from that area.

NPC Pages

The NPC pages are grouped by location, and then further subdivided into relevant groups for that location. Each NPC page begins with a brief description of them, and then an overview of the content in-game pertaining to that NPC. You might expect that each NPC would have a more or less similar amount of content, but - primarily due to the community-driven development process - that couldn't be further from the truth.

Game Mechanics Pages

These pages contain information relating to the general gameplay of Girl Life - that is, how to increase your skills, your relationships, etc. They don't fit into groups very well, so just click the button at the top to see a list of all pages in this section.