Zinaida Alkaev

This page last updated March 2023, for version 0.8.6 of Girl Life.

Zinaida "Zina" Alkaev is a mousey girl who is very plain looking. She never wears makeup, dresses in baggy clothes and barely bothers to brush her hair. She mostly keeps to herself, playing various games on her phone, although she is great at video games and knows all about fantasy, sci-fi, superheroes and other important things. She is also always at the DnD game night and seems to love attending and gets into role playing her character more than most, she always seems eager to attend events when Feofan is there. Recently her and Julia have started hanging out all the time together. The boys seem to love that she knows as much as they do about that stuff and that she can beat most of them at the games they play.


Member of the Nerd social group. In terms of attractiveness, she is considered a 5 out of 10.

Some gossip the PC can overhear at school suggests Zinaida is a top-ranked League of Legends player. When talking to her directly, the conversation tends to be about video games.

There is currently very little content implemented for Zinaida. She does, however, have a minor role in a few events: