Avelina Starov

What the jocks think of her

Lina Starov is a mediocre athlete. She's sort of Christina's friend... but not really. The right term would be Christina's lapdog. She usually does anything Christina wants her to do, as if she doesn't have a mind of her own. She is a very pretty girl and if she would think for herself, she would be a lot more popular, but most of the jocks find her doormat personality off putting.

What everyone else thinks of her

Lina Starov is a mediocre athlete. She's sort of Christina's friend... she usually does anything Christina wants her to do, often helping Christina bully others and when not doing that, following Christina around telling her how great she is. She is a very pretty girl and if she would think for herself, she would be a lot more popular.

Quests: Lina (and Christina) can be found near the lake between 15:00 and 21:00, Monday to Friday (March to May, and September to November)

If the PC is naked when you click on Christina or Lina, Christina will take photos of her and threaten to send them to everyone.

Otherwise, the PC can talk to whoever you clicked on:

Notes: Member of the Jock social group. She is considered a 7 out of 10.