Lizaveta Petrov

What the cool kids think of her

Lizaveta Petrov wants to know everyone's secrets, but is completely incapable of keeping them. Extremely nosy, she is the first to arrive at the scene of any commotion, eager to pry into the details. She is pretty and willing to use her looks to sweet talk boys into sharing any juicy gossip. If you want to know anything about anyone, she is the one to ask. Luckily, she seems more interested in collecting and sharing gossip than using it for her own gain. Though most everyone has a hefty respect for what she knows, the few times she has really gone after someone she has destroyed their status and reputation among their peers. She is often found with Irina and Stasya

What everyone else thinks of her

Lizaveta Petrov wants to know everyone's secrets, but is completely incapable of keeping them. Extremely nosy, she is the first to arrive at the scene of any commotion, eager to pry into the details. She is pretty and most boys seem torn. They are attracted to her, but are afraid she will tell everyone everything about them and their whole life becomes public knowledge.

Notes: Member of the Cool social group. She is considered a 7 out of 10.Â