Sergey Shulgin

He lives with his son, your childhood friend Vasily, in the same building as you. He has gray hair and a small beer belly, but still hearty looking. His wife, Vasily's mother, left when Vasily was still a small child. He has been close friends with your stepfather and mother for as long as you can remember. Oddly enough he never re-married after being left by his ex-wife.


When the PC's relationship with him is 30 or higher, Sergey will let her enter his apartment when Vasily is out (ie. 16:00-24:00 on Friday and Saturday, 16:00-20:00 rest of the week).

When the PC's relationship with him is 70 or higher, Sergey will give the PC her own key so that she can enter his apartment at any time.

Chatting with Sergey increases the PC's relationship with him by 1


Lives in Apartment #13, on the 3rd floor of the PC's apartment building.

Sometimes referred to as "Sergei Shulgin" or "Uncle Sergey/Sergei" or "Uncle Shulgin".

Location Schedule

During week:

During weekend: