Pavlovsk Park

The main square of Pavlovsk Park. This page is missing information about other NPCs and events you might encounter here.


Sit down on the bench

Go for a walk (0:15)

Distribute flyers to earn money (₽50) (1:00) (between ?h and 22h)

Go for a run in the park (1:00) (between 6h and 22h; once per day; must be in exercise clothes; provides 1xp for running)

Flash your tits (0:05) (requires Inhibition of 35 or higher & exhibitionist level 0 or greater)

Flash your ass (0:05) (exhibitionist level is 1 or greater)

Flash your pussy (0:05) (exhibitionist level is 2)


[[Pavlovsk Residential Street]]</li>

[[Pavlovsk High Street]]</li>

[ Oldtown town center]</li>




The PC is first introduced to Kseniya, when the PC is flashing their tits and has a inhibition of 35 or greater and an exhibitionist level greater than 0.