Pavlovsk Clinic

Pavlovsk medical clinic. You noticed a nurse pushing a cart of freshly sterilized coat hangers down the hallway and begin to wonder how competent this facility really is in terms of women's health...


[[Dr. Petrovich (Perth Petrovich)]] - Gynecologist

[[Dr. Pavlov (Ivan Pavlov)]] - Therapist

[[Ninel Pavlovna]] - Physician


Give birth

Bribe gynaecologist with cash / sex

When getting an STD check, there's a random chance that you will notice a camera in the room. The doctor tells you that you have to pay 10000 rubles to get the footage deleted. If you keep quiet, he will give you 3000 rubles.

  • You can choose to threaten him. However, if you try running away this will result in a game over.

You can meet [[Ninel Pavlovna]] while seeing the doctor.

  • Only available in magic starts

  • If the player is horny, she reveals herself as being able to use magic and you have sex with her.

  • Having sex with her is repeatable.


Begin your work day (1:00)

See a therapist (1:00)

Visit maternity ward (0:05) - unlocks only when lactating.

Get a birth control shot (0:15)

  • Available if you have 750 rubles;

Ask the doctor for a health treatment (1:00)

  • Available if the player isn't at full health.

Ask the doctor to treat your pains (1:00)

  • Available if the player is feeling pain.

Go to the STD clinic

  • See [[Sicknesses]] for more information about STDs in the Girl Life.

  • STD Testing - 1,000 rubles;

  • Get herpes shot - 450 rubles;

    • Only available if the player is found to have herpes.

  • Go to private clinic and completely cure herpes - 45,000;

  • Get gonorrhea shot - 750;

    • Only available if the player is found to have gonorrhea.

  • Get syphilis shot - 1,000 rubles;

    • Only available if the player is found to have syphilis.

  • Go to private clinic and completely cure syphilis - 60,000 rubles;

  • Go to private clinic and completely cure yeast infection - 15,000 rubles;

See the doctor

  • This is available if the player is sick.

  • See the [[Sicknesses]] page for more information on ailments in Girl Life.

Give Birth

  • Available if the player is ready to give birth.

  • Can have twins.

Abortion - 15,000 rubles

  • Available up to the 84th day of pregnancy


[[Pavlovsk High Street]]}