Parent's Apartment: Hallway

The corridor of your parent's apartment. There are several doors which lead to the other rooms of the apartment, as well as the front door which leads outside to the stairwell.


Residential Street

Parents Apartment Bathroom

Parents Apartment Kitchen

Parents Apartment Living Room

Parents Apartment Your Room

Parents Apartment Your Parent's Room



  • Brush hair

  • Put on makeup

  • Put on lip balm


[[Natasha]], your mother.



If it's between 16:00 and 20:00 and you decided not to be Artem Chebotarev's bitch, your mother will be standing in the hallway angrily waiting for you. She tells you that she saw the video of you sucking some guy's dick. You can beg her not to do anything or be silent.

  • If you had witnessed [[Natasha]] fucking her boss in the [[Cafe]], you can threaten to tell [[Vladimir]] about what she had been up to.


If the player is absent from school, your mother will be home waiting for you.

  • The first time, she angrily tells you that the school is very unforgiving when it comes to absenteeism, and they said they would expel you if it happens again.

  • The second time, she tells you that the school called and wanted to expel you for not showing up again. She tells you that she had to go over there and beg the principal to give you one last chance.

  • The third time, you find your mother furiously waiting in the hallway. This time she kicks you out of the house.

    • This locks you out of your parents apartment.


If it's between 16:00 and 21:00 and you have not slept in [[Parents Apartment Your Room]] for at least seven days, you run into your mother in the hallway.

  • If your relationship with her is over 40, she'll be happy to see you.

  • If your relationship with her is under 40, she'll say "Well well, look who decided to come home for once."

Services For Hire

If your Pavlovsk slut fame is above 150, and you have serviced the boys during the random events on the Second Floor and Third Floor of your apartment building, there's a random chance that between 10:00 and 23:00, there will be a client at the door.

  • You can give him your price list or decline servicing him. If the both of you agree on a price, you'll service him.