Sauna (City Residential Area)

A sauna located in the city residential section.


The PC may pay 2,000 to spend some time at the sauna, refreshing and cleaning the PC

Random encounters with men at the park cafe may lead to sex in the sauna by the PC.

Getting a job doing secret deliveries from the [porn studio] will lead to a disk being delivered to the sauna and an envelope being returned to the studio

  • Losing the envelope (random chance by taking the metro or perhaps other actions) will incur a debt of 200,000 payable in one week.

  • Failing to pay the debt will lead to all of the PCs money being taken and then being imprisoned in the sauna and having to work as a cleaner and whore inside the Sauna until the debt is paid off. Eating food, borrowing cosmetics, and involuntarily receiving a drug injection to boost your mood will add to your existing debt.

PC can get bought into working at the Sauna, if she is kidnapped at the Pavlovsk gas station, for spitting out a guy's ejaculation.

PC can be sent to work at the Sauna on her wedding night when marrying certain types of boyfriends. More detail needed here - Pocket


City Residential Area