Marketplace (City)

On one of the stalls has a sign "Cash paid for secondhand clothes", here you can sell individual items or all of your unwanted clothes.


  • [[Artur]]

  • [[Abdul]]

  • [[Hassan]]

  • [[Nadia]]

  • [[Anna]]


If you sell less than [[Artur]] wants in 10 separate shifts, he will fire you.

As you're working, you are able to chat with [[Nadia]] and [[Anna]].

  • There's is a random chance that they will mention that there is an office nearby looking for cleaners. This unlocks the [[Office]].

At the end of work, there's a random chance that [[Artur]] will invite you into the warehouse to get acquainted.

  • The higher the player's attractiveness, the greater the chance you'll get invited.

  • If you refuse to go, Arthur will complain about your stall being dirty and will threaten to fine you 1000 rubles if you don't join him.

  • If you go with him, he will proceed to undress you. If you let him, the two of you will have sex. Afterwards, he will give you 2,000 rubles.

    • There's a random chance for [[Abdul]] and [[Hassan]] to walk into the warehouse. They will ask you to give them a turn too. Agreeing to a gang-bang will get you 5,000 rubles.

At the end of work, there's a random chance that [[Artur]] will thank you for turning down [[Abdul]] and [[Hassan]] at the warehouse. He promises to lock the door from now on and the two of you go to the warehouse again.

  • Requires turning down Abdul and Hassan.

At the end of work, there's a random chance that [[Artur]] will call you a slut for having sex with [[Abdul]] and [[Hassan]] at the warehouse. He tells you to go with him to the warehouse again.

  • Requires having a gang-bang with Abdul and Hassan.

  • Refusing will get you fired.

At the end of work, there's a random chance that [[Artur]] will tell you that [[Abdul]] and [[Hassan]] wants to fuck you.

  • Requires having a gang-bang with Abdul and Hassan.

  • You will get 5,000 rubles as a bonus.


Approach owner of the ad

  • You can take the saleswomen job if you aren't already in a different main job. Shifts are Tuesday, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 8-14.

Retire from work

  • Can only retire if you are working as a saleswomen here.

Go to book tray

  • Fantasy Book - 350 rubles

  • Science Fiction Book - 350 rubles

  • Romance Book - 350 rubles

View Clothing


  • Dishwashing detergent - 10 for 400 rubles

  • Clothing detergent - 10 for 400 rubles

  • Plates - 8 for 450 rubles

  • Cosmetics - 20 for 1000 rubles

  • Razors - 5 for 800 rubles

  • Tampons - 10 for 160 rubles

  • Sanitary napkins - 10 for 80 rubles


City Residential Area