
The casino has multiple areas to make bets and increase money without getting an actual job!

Slot Machine

The wiki file had two separate (and conflicting) lists for the odds of these machines. I don't really know what's going on, but here they both are. Also, this page is missing information for the other things you can do at the casino. -Pocket

List 1:

  • 9/100,000 chance of 200,000 rubles

  • 100/100,000 chance of 15,000 rubles

  • 1,000/100,000 chance of 1,000 rubles

  • 10,000/100,000 chance of 50 rubles

  • 33,333/100,000 chance of 20 rubles

List 2:

  • 1% chance of winning 1,000 rubles

  • 5% chance of winning 100 rubles

  • 10% chance of winning 10 rubles

  • 10% chance of winning 5 rubles