Golden Curl Hair Salon

A well reviewed hair salon, capable of creating the most beautiful hairstyles. For a price of course.

The store is open from 08:00 to 20:00.


Get a haircut - 750

  • You can choose one of the below lengths to get your hair cut down to. With all lengths, you can choose to have a fringe or not.

    • Very Short

    • Short, but not too short

    • About chin-line length

    • Shoulder Length

    • About Brastrap length

    • About Back Length

    • About Hip length

    • Cut the tips

Get your hair curled - 500

Get your hair straightened - 500

Get your hair dyed - 1,000

  • You can choose to have you hair dyed one of the following:

    • Your natural hair color

    • Black

    • Brown

    • Red

    • Blonde

    • Bright Red

    • Dark/Medium/Light Blue

    • Dark/Light Green

    • Dark/Medium/Light Pink

    • Dark/Medium/Light Purple

    • Orange

Touch up hair color - 500

  • Only available if your hair dye is fading.

Re-dye your existing hair color - 1,000

  • Only available if your hair dye has completely faded.

Get your hair braided - 1,250

Buy Scrunchies - 10 for 100

Buy Hair accessories - 10 for 120


Galeria Mall