Dynamic Input Codes List

Remember Pressing Ctr+ F will allow you to find what you are looking for. I recommend trying to keep your search criteria short.

Any other codes you want that you don't see listed message me and I'll find them for you and add them, as its impossible to add all codes, I simply added ones I thought would be most useful. To do: Find out who wrote this list and who you're supposed to message, so that this paragraph can be actually helpful. Also, this page needs better formatting, preferably by someone who understands these codes better than I do. -Pocket

$track_loop = 'sound/(Any mp3 In the game folder)

Changes The Game Music

Can Be Buggy(Instead of changing it , songs play on top of each other?)

volume = x

Change Volume

Default is 100

night_mode = x

Toggles Night Mode



fsize = x

Change Font Size

font color = "x"

Changes Font Color

music_on = x

Toggle Music



disablescroll = x

Scroll Status

0 = Switches Scroll bar return to bottom

1= Goes Back To top every time you click something far away from it (default option)

Player Edits

birthday = x

Changes Day Of Birth

birthmonth = x

Changes Birth Month

Goes from 1(January)-12(December)

birthyear = x

Change Birth Year

age = x

Changes Age

pcs_haircurl = x

Straight or Curly Hair.



defcurly = x

0 = Curly

1 = Straight

curly = x

straight = x

Change Amount of days your curly or straight hair are good for.

pcs_teeth =

Amount of teeth you have.

pcs_nips = x

Nipple Size

clit_size = x

Clit Size

$pcs_firstname =

Changes First Name

Can Erase Name Entirely

$pcs_lastname =

Changes Last Name

Can Erase Name Entirely

$pcs_nickname =

Change Nick Name

Can Erase Name Entirely

UnfertEgg =

# of baby's you can get growing

2 and higher will have the type as fraternal twin. Once it has transitioned from # of unfertilized egg to # of unimplanted zygote

sterilewb =

Womb damage

0 = no damage to womb

FertEgg =

unimplanted zygote

RecovH =

The recovery time after child birth

# of hours remaining before your follicular phase begins

mesec =

# of menstruating hours remaining

tabletkishot =

birth control shot

# of days until it runs out

preg = x

Changes Pregnancy Status

0= Not Pregnant

1= Pregnant

pregchem = x

Changes How Far Along You Are In Your Pregnancy

You Can Base Your Value On This Code Snippit.

'''Know Pregnant:'''

pregchem > 4704: 'You''re rapidly approaching the finish line and have entered the third trimester. Your belly is so big now that you can barely remember what your toes look like. Your back hurts most of the time and it is a struggle to get to your feet if you sit down. The baby seems to think that your bladder makes a nice punching bag.'

pregchem > 3696: 'Your belly is quite swollen now and shows under even the loosest of clothes. You find yourself constantly caressing your belly without realizing it.'

pregchem > 3192: 'You are showing for sure now. Your tummy is starting to become rounder as it grows larger each day, although you can still wear baggy clothes to hide it. At least the morning sickness and nausea seem to have gone away for the most part.'

pregchem > 1800: 'Your breasts look and feel swollen and tingle at the slightest touch. Waking up is getting harder to do and it takes you longer to get going in the morning. Lately, just the thought of food is enough to turn your stomach. Speaking of your stomach, you can definitely feel a baby bump now, although it is still hard to see.'

pregchem > 1200: You've noticed that your breasts seem firmer lately and your nipples seem to be sticking out more.'


pregchem > 4704: 'You''re rapidly approaching the finish line and have entered the third trimester. Your belly is so big now that you can barely remember what your toes look like. Your back hurts most of the time and it is a struggle to get to your feet if you sit down. The baby seems to think that your bladder makes a nice punching bag.'

pregchem > 3696: 'Your belly is quite swollen now and shows under even the loosest of clothes. You find yourself constantly caressing your belly without realizing it.'

pregchem > 3192: 'You can''t seem to stop gaining weight and your belly looks like it is getting bigger everyday, although you can still wear baggy clothes to hide it. At least the flu you've been fighting lately seems to have finally gone away for the most part.'

pregchem > 1800: 'Your breasts look and feel swollen and tingle at the slightest touch. Waking up is getting harder to do and it takes you longer to get going in the morning. Lately, just the thought of food is enough to turn your stomach. Speaking of your stomach, you have developed a bit of a paunch, although it is still hard to see.'

pregchem > 1200: 'You've noticed that your breasts seem firmer lately and your nipples seem to be sticking out more.'

denypreg = x

Changes if the PC is in denial about being pregnant or not.

0 = Not in denial

1 = PC is in denial.

denypreg = 1:

pregchem < 525: 'There is nothing wrong, your cycle is just irregular.'

pregchem < 1863: 'You have a strange flu making you feel ill.'

pregchem > 2688: 'You seem to be putting on a bit of weight, your belly is definitely bigger.'

pregchem < 4000: Your strange flu still hasn't gone away. As soon as it does you plan to exercise and lose the excess fat you've been building up.

pregchem < 6000: Your weight just won't come off...

pregchem < 7500: 'People are rude, constantly asking you when you are due. You are not pregnant!'

pregchem >= 7500: 'Surely if you were pregnant, you''d have had the baby by now, so you can't possibly be pregnant.

knowpreg = x

Changes the pcs knowledge of the pregnancy.

0= Doesnt Know

1= Knows

pregdueday = x

Pregnancy Due Day

pregduemonth = x

Pregnacy Due Month

pregdueyear = x

Pregnancy Due Year

tanKoef = x

Changes Player Tan State.

Maximum is 1

skin = x

Changes Player Skin Condition

Maximum is 4

pcs_makeup = x

Changes Pc makeup state

Maximum is 5

pcs_sweat = x

Changes Player Sweatiness

Maximum is 0

pcs_hairbsh = x

Changes Brush State of Hair

Maximum is 1

musle = x

trenbuf = x

Changes Muscle Amount.

Item Cheats

hscrunchw = x

Changes amount of hair scrunchies you have.

hpingrip = x

Changes your Hair Pin Amount

salfetka = X

Wet Wipes Amount

kosmetitka = x

Cosmetics Amount

painkiller = x


mouthwash = x

Mouthwash Amount

greben =1

pcs_hairbsh = 1

Hairbrush(Must Enter Both for purse hairbrush.

prezikcount = x


preziksabo = x

Sabotaged Condoms

bcream_have = x

Breast Cream

lubri = x


bottle = x

Bottle Of Water

A Value greater than zero is needed for it to show up and no matter how much you type it will always be displayed as a bottle of water.

buterbrod = x


Any value over 0 will put it in your inventory

wine = x


Must be equal to 1 to make it show up in inventory.

wine = x

alkowine = x

Half- Bottle of Wine.

Both must equal one.

foto = x

Strange Photo

Must Equal 1

pattest = x

purse_pattest = x

Pregnacy Tests

shampoo = x


tampon = x


gun = x


Must be greater than 0

bulletIn = x


mbulletIn = x

Charged Bullets

umbrella = x


0= No Umbrella

1= Umbrella

lipbalm = x


vitamins = x


w_book = x

Romance Novels

f_book = x

Fantasy Novels


mentats_have = x

Neurobooster Amount

steroid_have = x


aphrodisiac_have = x


Award/ Accomplishment Cheats

KikWinPro = x

Professional Kickboxing Wins

KikLossPro = x

Professional Kickboxing Losses

KikDrawPro = x

Professional Kickboxing Draws

KikWinAm = x

Amateur Kickboxing Wins

KikLossAm = x

Amateur Kickboxing Wins

KikDrawAm = x

Amateur Kickboxing Draws

razradKik = x

Kickboxing Sash Rank

1= Green Sash (Rank 4)

2=Purple Sash (Rank 5)

3=Blue Sash (Rank 6)

4=Brown Sash (Rank 7)

5=Black Sash (Best)

swinbeg = x

Local Racing Trophies

bronzebeg = x

Bronze Medals

silverbeg = x

Silver Medals

goldbeg = x

Gold Medals

razradbegEB = x

Times bronze medalist at European Championship

razradbegES = x

Times runner up at European Championship

razradbegEG = x

Times European champion.

razradbegIB = x

Times bronze medalist at World Championship

razradbegIS = x

Times runner up at World Championship

razradbegIG = x

Times World champion

razradbeg = x

Event Place Status

1=You have third sports category for event

2=You 2nd sports category for event

3=You 1st sports category for event

4=You have the title of Candidate Master of Sports for event

5=You have the title of Master of Sports in the run

6=You have the title of International Master of Sports for event

chess_rank = x

Chess Rank

1=You have mastered the basics of chess

2=You are starting to get good at chess

3=You are a good chess player

4=You are an excellent chess player

5=You are a candidate for chess master

6=You are a chess master

7=You are a chess Grandmaster

chess_world_rank = x

Chess World Ranking

1=The title of FIDE Master Chess

2=The title of International Chess Master

3=The title of International Grandmaster of Chess

Win = x

Fights Won

Loss = x

Fights Lost

Player Abilities/Stats/Statistics

teachlevel = x

Teacher Credibility

pain = x

Sets The PC's Pain Level

bimbolevel = x

Set Bimbo lvl

Any Value between 0 and 3 (0 and 3 included)

pcs_horny = x

Pc Arousal

pcs_mood = x

Pc Mood

pcs_hgt = x

Pcs Height

vidage = x

Apparent Age

Spells Unlock Codes

Base Spells

spelltuman > 0

Unlocks Cover Area in fog spell

spellklon > 0

Ulocks Swap Places a clone of yourself spell

spellstun > 0

Unlocks the stun spell

spellweap > 0

Unlocks the infuse weapon with enegry spell

spellwind > 0

Unlocks the Blow away the fog spell

spellklon2 > 0

Unlocks the substitute yourself with 3 clones spell

spellenergo > 0

Unlocks the create a weak enegry shield spell.

spellinit > 0

Unlocks the slow down time spell.

spellhel > 0

Unlocks the battle heal spell.

Elemental Fire Spells (Input this before anything after just to be safe: stihia = 1)

spellfire = 1

Unlocks the flame spell

spellfire2 = 1

Unlocks the release of fire spell.

spellfire3 = 1

Unlocks the Fire Barrier spell

spellfire4 = 1

Unlocks the Firestorm Spell

spellfire5 = 1

Unlocks the Flame Shield spell.

Lightning Elemental Spells (Input this first: stihia = 2)

spellele1 = 1

Unlocks the Zap spell

spellele2 = 1

Unlocks the Lightning spell

spellele3 = 1

Unlocks the Electric Barrier spell

spellele4 = 1

Unlocks the dance of thousand birds spell

spellele5 = 1

Unlocks the dancing sphere spell

Earth Elemental Spells (Input this first stihia = 3)

spellert1 = 1

Unlocks the Quicksand spell

spellert2 = 1

Unlocks the Active Protection spell

spellert3 = 1

Unlocks the Abyss spell

spellert4 = 1

Unlocks the Absolute Protection spell

spellert5 = 1

Unlocks the Sando spell

Wind Elemental Spells (Input this first: stihia = 4 )

spellwind1 = 1

Unlocks the Wind Gust spell

spellwind2 = 1

Unlocks the Horrific Pressure spell

spellwind3 = 1

Unlocks the Vacuum Sphere spell

spellwind4 = 1

Unlocks the Vacuum Shells spell

spellwind5 = 1

Unlocks the Devouring Vacuum spell

Water Elemental Spells (Input this first stihia = 5)

This section is missing, sorry. -Pocket

Work Cheats

cheatWork = x

Allows You To Work More Than 1 Job

0= Disabled


workKafe = x


Value must be greater than 0

workhosp = x


Value must be greater than 1

worksalon = x


Value Must Be greater than zero for the pc to have a job at the salon

bumtolik = x

Work At Mercy Clinic With Homeless (Volunteer)

Value Must Be Greater or equal than 5 to have the job.

film = x

Pornographic Actress

Value Must Be Greater Than 0.

I suggest setting your name before using this: ($pfname = x)

pfilmSTOP = x

Pornographic Actress - retired

0 = still good to work there

1 = No longer shooting porn

pfilmNO = x

Blacklisted from photo studio

0 = Removes the blacklist

1 = Adds it

stripwork = x


Value Must Be Greater or equal to 1.

gpoliuborka = x

Part-time Pavllovo Clinic Cleaner

Value Must Be Greater Than 1.

maidqw = x

Pavlovsk hotel


Value must Equal 1

workrin = x

Clothing Sales Woman

Value must equal 1

workFabrika = x


Value must equal 1

young_shop_work = x

Store Clerk

Value Must Equal 1

tanwork = x


Value must be greater than 0

workSec = x


Value must be greater than 0

Piercing Codes

pirsA = x

Tongue Piercing

0 = No Piercing

1= Piercing

pirsA = x

Lip Piercing

0 = No Piercing

1= Piercing

pirsC = x


0 = No Piercing

1= Piercing

pirsD = x

Nose Ring

0 = No Piercing

1= Piercing

pirsE = x

Eyebrow Piercing

0 = No Piercing

1= Piercing

pirsN = x

Navel Piercing

0 = No Piercing

1= Piercing

pirsG = x

Pussy Piercing

0 = No Piercing

1= Piercing

Fame/Reputation Values

pcs_fame = x

Players Fame

fame_performer = x

Pc Performer Fame

fame_sex = x

Sex Industry Fame

fame_slut = x

Pc Slut Fame

fame_sport = x

Pc Sport Fame

fame_int = x

PC Intellectual Fame

fame_social = x

PC Social Fame

Enable_pav_fame = x

Enable_city_fame = x

Enable_oldtown_fame = x

Enable_village_fame = x

Fame Enablers



(area code)_performer = x

Performer Fame in (Area)

Area Codes:

Pavlovsk (pav)

City (city)

Old Town (oldtown)

Village (village)

(areacode)_acting = x

Actor Fame In (Area)

Area Codes:

Pavlovsk (pav)

City (city)

Old Town (oldtown)

Village (village)

(areacode)_dance = x

Dancer Fame in (Area)

Area Codes:

Pavlovsk (pav)

City (city)

Old Town (oldtown)

Village (village)

(areacode)_painting = x

Area Codes:

Pavlovsk (pav)

City (city)

Old Town (oldtown)

Village (village)

(areacode)_music = x

Area Codes:

Pavlovsk (pav)

City (city)

Old Town (oldtown)

Village (village)

(areacode)_ballet = x

Area Codes:

Pavlovsk (pav)

City (city)

Old Town (oldtown)

Village (village)

(areacode)_sex = x

Player Sex Industry fame in (Area)

Area Codes:

Pavlovsk (pav)

City (city)

Old Town (oldtown)

Village (village)

(areacode)_modelling = x

Player Modeling Fame in (Area)

Area Codes:

Pavlovsk (pav)

City (city)

Old Town (oldtown)

Village (village)

(areacode)_porn = x

Player Porn Star Fame in (Area)

Area Codes:

Pavlovsk (pav)

City (city)

Old Town (oldtown)

Village (village)

(areacode)_stripping = x

Player stripper Fame in (Area)

Area Codes:

Pavlovsk (pav)

City (city)

Old Town (oldtown)

Village (village)

(areacode)_slut = x

Player Slut Fame in (Area)

Area Codes:

Pavlovsk (pav)

City (city)

Old Town (oldtown)

Village (village)

(areacode)_prostitute = x

Player Prostitution Fame in (Area)

Area Codes:

Pavlovsk (pav)

City (city)

Old Town (oldtown)

Village (village)

(areacode)_sport = x

Player Sport Fame in (Area)

Area Codes:

Pavlovsk (pav)

City (city)

Old Town (oldtown)

Village (village)

(areacode)_kickboxing = x

Kickboxer Pc Fame in (Area)

Area Codes:

Pavlovsk (pav)

City (city)

Old Town (oldtown)

Village (village)

(areacode)_running = x

Runner Pc Fame in (Area)

Area Codes:

Pavlovsk (pav)

City (city)

Old Town (oldtown)

Village (village)

(areacode)_volleyball = x

Volleyball Pc Player Fame in (Area)

Area Codes:

Pavlovsk (pav)

City (city)

Old Town (oldtown)

Village (village)

(areacode)_int = x

Fame of Pcs Intellectual Abilities in (Area)

Area Codes:

Pavlovsk (pav)

City (city)

Old Town (oldtown)

Village (village)

(areacode)_chess = x

Fame of Pcs Chess Abilities in (Area)

Area Codes:

Pavlovsk (pav)

City (city)

Old Town (oldtown)

Village (village)

(areacode)_teaching = x

Fame of Pcs Teaching Skill in (Area)

Area Codes:

Pavlovsk (pav)

City (city)

Old Town (oldtown)

Village (village)

(areacode)_social = x

Fame of the Pcs Social Status in (Area)

Area Codes:

Pavlovsk (pav)

City (city)

Old Town (oldtown)

Village (village)

(areacode)_media = x

Pcs Social Media Fame in (Area)

Area Codes:

Pavlovsk (pav)

City (city)

Old Town (oldtown)

Village (village)


npc_QW['A192'] = x

Nastya Relationship

tanya = x

Tanya Relationship

kat = x

Kate Relationship

vika = x

Vika Relationship

irina = x

Irene Relationship

Tamara = x

Tamara Relationship

alla = x

Alla Relationship

masha = x

Masha Relationship

Givi = x

Givi K. Relationship

Ashot = x

Ashot Relationship

Dmitry = x

Dmitry Relationship

afra = x

Relationship With The Blacks

npc_rel['A69'] = x

Relationship with Mikhail Nikolaevich

npc_rel['A34'] = x

Brother Relation

npc_rel['A33'] = x

Sister Relation

npc_rel['A28'] = x

Father Relation

npc_rel['A29'] = x

Mother Relation

loverrelation[1] = x

Boyfriend 1 Relation

loverrelation[2] = x

Boyfriend 2 Relation

loverrelation[3] = x

Boyfriend 3 Relation

hantersIgorQw = x

Hunter Igor Relation

hantersSergeiQw = x

Hunter Sergei Relation

hantersAndreiQw = x

Hunter Andrew Relation

npc_rel[''A11''] = x

Vasily Shulgin Relation

npc_rel['A112'] = x

Sergei Shulgin Relation

npc_rel[''A89''] = x

Eugene Relation


succubusflag = x

Toggle Succubus

0 = Human

1= Succubus

Other Succubi Codes:

Succubus Level = succublvl = x

Succubus XP = succubxp = x

Energy Reserve = 0 - succhungry = x

Stored Sexual Energy = sucexcess = x

Sexual Energy Storage Capacity = sucstorecap = x

sucskill = x

(sucskill >= 2: You have learned to increase your storage capacity and to store energy before using it.'

sucskill >= 3: You have learned to be more efficient in your energy handling.

sucskill >= 4: You have learned the accommodation ability)

modelfoto = x

Amount of Times You've Modeled Naked

Useful if you want to get a husband but he wont marry you because of your nude photos.

hidden_modelfoto = x

Amount Of Times You've Been Photographed Naked Without Your Consent or Knowledge

Useful if you want to get a husband but he wont marry you because of your nude photos.

soniafall = x

Changes the fall of Sonia's reputation before her change in her social group

0 to 2 PC or Katja will convince her to stop

3 to 6 PC or Katja will walk her home.

  • If the PC walks her home and asks if she is alright, Sonia will kiss the PC and bring her to bed.

  • If Katja walks her home, same event from 0 to 2 of soniafall will occur.

schoolprogul = x

Changes the amount of days absent from school.

pcs_grades = x

Changes The Players School Performance

husb_cheat_count = x

Amount of time the player has cheated on their husband

daystart = x

Amount of days since the game started

week = x

Day of the week

1 = Monday

day = x

Day of the calendar month

month = x

Month of the year starting from January

year = x

The current year in game

money = x

Changes The amount of pocket money

ArendHouseSL = x

Apartment Rental Time

karta = x

Bank Account Balance

bankDebtLimit = x

Approved Credit

kolsorev = x

Changes Amount of Races you have run.

if teachlevel > 0:pl 'Your credibility as a teacher is <<teachlevel>>'

SchoolAtestat = x

Schooling Status

0 = Still in school

1= Finshed School

diplom = x

Diploma Status

0 = No Diploma

1 = Diploma

intrate = x

Yearly Bank Account Intrest Rate

gunpower= x

Gun Damage

DayLengthMin = x

DayLengthMax = x

Minutes from Dawn to Noon

Weather Variables:

weatherfall = x

Weather Modifier

Related Code: (Need help understanding just pm me or post on my wall)

temper < -5 :

weatherFall < 30 :

if sunWeather = 1 :

$osadki = 'Clear and cloudless.'

$osadki = 'Clear sky, but light snow falls.'

weatherFall < 60 :

if sunWeather = 1 :

$osadki = 'Partly cloudy and light breeze.'

$osadki = 'Clouds and it''s snowing.'

if sunWeather = 1 :

$osadki = 'Clouds all over the sky and a sharp cold wind.'


$osadki = 'Strong snow with wind.'

if temper < 5 :

if weatherFall < 30 :

if sunWeather = 1 :

$osadki = 'Clear and cloudless.'


$osadki = 'Slightly wet snow.'

if weatherFall < 60 :

if sunWeather = 1 :

$osadki = 'Partly cloudy and light breeze.'

$osadki = 'Clouds and wet snow.'



if sunWeather = 1 :

$osadki = 'Clouds all over the sky and a sharp wind.'


$osadki = 'Heavy snow, sticking wet snow.'

if weatherFall < 30 :

if sunWeather = 1 :

$osadki = 'Clear and cloudless.'

$osadki = 'Light mushroom rain.'

weatherFall < 60 :

if sunWeather = 1 :

$osadki = 'Partly cloudy skies.'

$osadki = 'It''s raining.'


if sunWeather = 1 :

$osadki = 'Clouds all over the sky and a sharp wind.'

$osadki = 'Heavy rain and wind.'

temper = x


Birth Control Variables

pillcon = x

Birth Control Chemical lvl

shotdays = x

Birth Control Shot wear off Variable

tabletki = x

Birth Control Pack Amount

pillsleft = x

Pills Left In Current Package.

tabletkisug = x

Sugar Pill Packages

tabletkifert = x

Subsituted Fertility Pills

tabletkirej = x

Amount of Factory Rejected Pills

tabletkifake = x

Fake Pills

tabletkiold = x

Expired Pills

tabletkicpd = x

Pc Pill Taking Discpline

tabletkiap = x

Auto Take Pill Remember Value

tabletkimm = x

Current Mood Modifier


trt_cumeater = x

Cum eater trait

1 = Adds the trait

0 = Removes