Background: Ugly Duckling

The Ugly Duckling is one of the backgrounds from the Outcast social group.

Description: Some girls blossom early, and some have natural good looks... you got neither. In fact, you seem to have been cursed with an androgynous face and body. You have been mistaken for a boy more times than you would care to admit. You have never learned to use makeup, maybe you should, it might help make people realize you are indeed a girl.

Your body seemed to have grown out of sync, leaving you looking odd and, at best, unattractive for most of your life. Now in your teens, your body is starting to even out in growth but you are still very androgynous, and you are still considered by most to be ugly. You looks has made you a social pariah, no one seems to like you or want to spend time with you unless they are making fun of you.


The Ugly Duckling has the lowest starting weight, worst Skin, and smallest bust size of any background.

Despite what the description says, the Ugly Duckling does start with some [[Makeup Skill]].

Starting items

  • 2000 rubles