Background: Troublemaker

The Troublemaker is one of the backgrounds from the Gopnik social group.

Description: You are a troublemaker. Nothing makes you happier than causing problems, whether it be petty larceny, getting into fights, or vandalizing. You live for the thrill of breaking the rules. You get along fairly well with the gopniks and they accept you as a kindred spirit. They seem to love your willingness to jump head first into any and all trouble you run across - and if you can't find any, you will happily make your own, which keeps things lively. Because of your behavior, you have problems at home and school. This is especially true with your mother and stepfather, who see you going down the wrong path. The teachers and the police all know who you are.


The Troublemaker has very similar starting attributes to the [[Gopnik]], but has slightly inferior combat skills and maximum [[Willpower]]. However, the Troublemaker does start with a purse.

Group Standing

  • Gopniks: 60

Starting items

  • 2000 rubles

  • Earrings (#1)

  • Nose ring (#4)

  • Dolls purse (#16)

  • Fake passport

  • Cigarettes (20)

  • Cosmetics (10)

  • Razors (10)

  • Shampoo (20)

  • Tampons (20)