Background: Good Student

The Good Student is one of the backgrounds from the Nerd social group.


You just love school, and your grades are more than good enough to attend the university of your choosing after graduation - all you have to do is not let your grades slip. You have always tried to absorb every bit of knowledge possible and have done everything you could to excel in school. While this attitude has gained you a lot of respect from the other nerds, it did not earn you a lot of friends and you never found the time for sports. You are often asked to be a tutor and sometimes find yourself forced to do others' homework for them. You have excellent grades, and your mother is very proud of you. She has shown her appreciation for your hard work by rewarding you with money.


The Good Student has the highest starting Grades of any background choice, as well as extra starting money. However, it has the lowest maximum [[Willpower]] of the Nerd options, as well as weaker mental attributes than the [[Avid Chess Player|chess player]] or [[Computer Geek|computer geek]].

Starting items

  • 7000 RUB

  • Glasses

  • Fantasy books

  • Shampoo (20)