Background: Football Player

The Football Player is one of the backgrounds from the Jock social group.

Description: Ever since your first football game, you have been in love with the sport. You spent a lot of your free time trying to get better at it, and it paid off; you're actually quite good now! Your obsession with football has had some repercussions on your school performance, however, and you're now a sub-par student. You haven't made many friends other than your fellow jocks, especially Lazar and your coach.


The Football Player has the highest [[Strength]] of any background.

Starting items

  • 2000 rubles

  • Swimsuit (#69)

  • Fashionista purse (#11)

  • Earring (#1)

  • Cosmetics (10)

  • Tampons (20)

  • Razors (10)

  • Scrunches (10)

  • Shampoo (20)