Background: Beautiful

Beautiful is one of the backgrounds from the Popular social group.

Description: You might not be the smartest, and you might not be the most social or have the toughest attitude - but what you do have are natural good looks, that's not something you can earn! You blossomed earlier than most girls and the boys took note, especially Vasily, who started acting differently around you. You know he is attracted to you, but who can blame him? After all, you're fairly certain that all of the boys (and even some of the girls) lust after you either openly or secretly. As you got older your looks only improved, and you are often considered one of the best-looking girls in the room wherever you go. You are especially popular with the cool kids and jocks.


The Beautiful background has the joint highest starting [[Perception]] of any background, and above average starting [[Charisma]].

Starting items
