Background: Alternative

The Alternative is one of the backgrounds from the Gopnik social group.

Description: You march to your own tune. You're not a follower - you're a leader! You just have no desire to actually lead anything. You do what you want, when you want, and you do it with a fuck-it-all attitude. The local gopniks respect you and for the most part you get along with them. You're not one of them, however, but rather a kindred spirit looking to walk your own path and raise a little hell along the way.

Unlike the gopniks, you have far less interest in fighting or causing problems and a far more interest in looking for a good time - you love to party more than anything else. The cool kids don't completely look down their nose at you, even if they don't approve of your clothes, they respect your love of looking nice and having a good time. Because of your behavior, you have problems at home and school. This is especially true with your mother and stepfather, who see you going down the wrong path.


  • The Alternative background has the best starting physical attributes of any of the gopnik backgrounds, but does not start with any combat skills. The Alternative also has very low [[Inhibition]], bettered only by the [[Slut]].

Group Standing

  • Gopniks: 55

  • Jocks: 10

  • Cool kids: 10

Starting items

  • 2000 rubles

  • Earrings (#1)

  • Nose piercing (#5)

  • Tongue piercing (#2)

  • Dolls purse (#15)

  • Fake passport

  • Cigarettes (20)

  • Cosmetics (20)

  • False lashes (5)

  • Razors (10)

  • Shampoo (20)

  • Tampons (20)