
Baths can be found in your home and certain NPC apartments.

Actions and Effects

  • Soak in the bath (0:30)

    • changes Sweat to a random number from 7-11

    • +20 Mood

    • cleans up any cum on the PC

    • removes any body or face writing

    • un-brushes hair

    • removes any makeup the PC was wearing

    • warms up the PC

    • if Sweat is greater than 10; it is changed to a random number from 10 to 14

    • 50% chance of removing any false lashes that the PC is wearing

    • if this is the first bath the PC has taken today:

    • increases Arousal by 0-2 (more if the PC has been transformed)

    • removes deodorant (if worn)

After getting in the bath, you can also:

  • "Wash" your pussy (0:20)

  • Take a selfie

  • Shave yourself (0:15)

  • Get out and dry off