Geo Innovation Research Lab.

GIRL's (Geo-Innovation Research Laboratory) major researches are focused  on geo-innovative topics and geo-materials, including wave-based but not limited to geo-material characterization, development of innovative sensors, particle scale geo-technical engineering, geo-statistics, liquefaction potentials, synthesis and characterization of binary mixtures, polymerized/bio-treated granular materials and their engineering implications. The methodology applied includes; Non-Destructive Testing (Elastic and Electromagnetic Waves), Thermal and Electrical Conduction Measurements (Ionic Concentration and pH space), Hybrid Characterization Systems under wide range of boundary conditions, and Multi-Scale Optical Observations. Experimental studies are primarily conducted, however numerical analyses are also included so as to make for a better understanding of the complex behaviors of geo-materials, dynamics and unprecedented mechanisms.

We are looking for highly motivated students and researchers from all over the world. Please contact us if you are interested.