The Sailor Moon manga series features an extensive cast of characters created by Naoko Takeuchi. The series takes place in Tokyo, Japan, where the Sailor Guardians (, Sr Senshi), a group of ten magical girls, are formed to combat an assortment of antagonists attempting to take over the Earth, the Solar System, and the Milky Way galaxy. Each Guardian undergoes a transformation which grants her a uniform in her own theme colors and a unique elemental power. The ten Sailor Guardians are named after the planets of the Solar System, with the exception of Earth but including its moon. While many of the characters are humans with superhuman strength and magical abilities, the cast also includes anthropomorphic animals and extraterrestrial lifeforms.

The name "Sailor Senshi" comes from sailor fuku, a type of Japanese school uniform that the main characters' fighting uniforms are based on, and the Japanese word senshi, which can mean "soldier", "warrior", "guardian", or "fighter".[2] Takeuchi created the term by fusing English and Japanese words. The DIC Entertainment/Cloverway English adaptation of the anime changed it to "Sailor Scout" for most of its run. According to Takeuchi, only females can be Sailor Guardians.[1] In the anime's fifth season, the Sailor Starlights are depicted as men transforming into women when changing from their normal forms into Sailor Guardians, rather than just being women disguising as men as they appear in the manga.

Girl In Sailor Moon Sex


Haruka Tenoh ( , Ten' Haruka, called Amara Tenoh the original English dub) is a good-natured tomboyish girl who is a year older than most of the other Sailor Guardians. She is able to transform into Sailor Uranus, the Guardian of Sky and Flight.[21] Before becoming a Sailor Guardian, she aspired to become a race car driver, and she has excellent driving skills.[22] She tends to dress and, in the anime, speak like a man. In the show the characters often mistake her for a man. When fighting the enemy she distrusts outside help and prefers to work solely with her girlfriend, Sailor Neptune, and later Sailors Pluto and Saturn. Sailor Uranus's talisman, known as the Space Sword, aids her fighting. Her theme color is navy.

The series includes three different cat characters who act as advisors to their respective owners. Each has the power of speech, and bears a crescent moon symbol on his or her forehead. The two older cats, Luna and Artemis, lived in the Moon Kingdom, millennia before the main plot, and acted as advisors to Queen Serenity; the third, Diana, is much younger and was born on Earth. The cats serve as mentors and confidantes, and a source of information and new tools and special items. They are shown to have additional human forms, a deeper backstory, and an unrequited love or two. Although Luna takes the largest role of the three, Artemis was the first of the cats to appear; he figures prominently in Codename: Sailor V, the manga series which preceded Sailor Moon.

In Act 55 of the manga, the three are attacked by Sailor Tin Nyanko, a false Guardian from their home planet Mau (named after the Chinese word "", meaning "cat"). Artemis terms it a peace-loving world, but Tin Nyanko informs him that its people were wiped out by Sailor Galaxia after he and Luna left it. Tin Nyanko blasts all three of them on their crescent moon symbols, and they turn into ordinary cats, unable to speak. Later, as they care for the badly injured cats, Princess Kakyuu tells Usagi that the three of them have powerful Star Seeds, as brilliant as Sailor Crystals. In Act 56, they are brought to the River Lethe and killed by Sailor Lethe. They are reincarnated at the end of the series along with everyone else.[note 1]

Kou Taiki ( , Taiki K), better known as Sailor Star Maker (, Sr Sut Meik), is the most intellectual of the trio. Their abilities rival that of Ami Mizuno, though they consider her romantic notions foolish. In the anime, Ami's appeal for them to see the good in dreaming does begin to have an effect, however. In combat with a phage, Star Maker is the first of the Starlights to willingly allow Sailor Moon to heal the monster rather than trying to kill it themselves, because it had been a teacher who Ami respected.[42] Later in the series, as they are beginning to lose hope in finding Princess Kakyuu, they visit a sick girl named Misa in the hospital. She shows them a drawing of the Princess that she sees when she listens to the Three Lights' song.[43] With renewed hope, Taiki returns to the Three Lights.

Reika Nishimura ( , Nishimura Reika, called Rita Blake in the original English dub) is Motoki Furuhata's girlfriend and fellow student at KO University. She later befriends Setsuna Meioh there. In the anime, she is the reincarnation of the Great Monster Rikokeid. After leaving Japan twice to study abroad, she eventually leaves the country for 10 years, but Motoki is still willing to wait for her.[57] She is voiced by Rika Fukami in the original series and by Mai Nakahara in Crystal. In the DIC English adaptation, Reika was voiced by Wendy Lyon and Lindsay Collins, while Sara Sahr voiced her in the Cloverway dub. In the Viz Media English adaptation, she is voiced by Erica Mendez.

It is revealed in the manga and in the reboot Sailor Moon Eternal movies that she came along with Queen Nehelenia from another galaxy. Both women desired the moon. Queen Serenity represented the bright side of the moon and Nehelenia represented the dark side of the moon and lived in a deep dark corner of the palace. When Princess Serenity is born she comes to the presentation of the princess. There she offers Queen Serenity the opportunity to unite themselves but Queen Serenity refutes the offer. In retaliation Queen Nehelenia places a curse onto Princess Serenity that she will die a tragic death, before Queen Serenity seals her away in a mirror in the castle.

The function of the Sailor Guardians themselves has been analyzed by critics, often in terms of feminist theory.[88] Susan J. Napier described the Sailor Guardians as "powerful, yet childlike", and suggested that this is because Sailor Moon is aimed towards an audience of young girls. She stated that the Sailor Guardians readily accept their powers and destinies and do not agonize over them, which can be read as an expression of power and success.[79] The Sailor Guardians have been described as merging male and female traits, being both desirable and powerful. As sexualized teen heroines, they are significantly different from the sexless representation of 1980s teen heroines such as Nausica.[89] Anne Allison noted that the use of the sailor fuku as a costume makes it easy for girls to identify with the Sailor Guardians, but also for older males to see them as sex symbols.[86] Unlike the female Power Rangers, who as the series go on become more unisex in both costume and poses, the Sailor Guardians' costumes become frillier and more "feminine".[90]

Mary Grigsby considered that the Sailor Guardians blend ancient characteristics and symbols of femininity with modern ideas, reminding the audience of a pre-modern time when females were equal to males,[11] but other critics drew parallels with the modern character type of the aggressive cyborg woman, pointing out that the Sailor Guardians are augmented by their magical equipment.[79][91][92] Much of the Sailor Guardians' strength stems from their reliance and friendship with other girls rather than from men.[93]

Kazuko Minomiya has described the daily lives of the girls within the series as risoukyou, or "utopic". They are shown as enjoying many leisure activities such as shopping, visiting amusement parks, and hanging out at the Crown Arcade. According to Allison, Minomiya points out that the depiction of life is harder and more serious for male superheroes.[86] The characters "double" as ordinary girls and as "celestially-empowered superheroes".[13] The "highly stylized"[13] transformation that the Sailor Guardians go through has been said to "symbolically separate" the negative aspects of the characters (laziness, for example) and the positive aspects of the superheroine,[91] and gives each girl her unique uniform and "a set of individual powers".[13] Some commentators have read the transformation of the Sailor Guardians as symbolic of puberty, as cosmetics appear on the Guardians and their uniforms highlight cleavages, slim waists, and long legs,[11][94] which "outright force the pun on heavenly bodies".[95]

The third arc introduces car-racer Haruka Tenoh and violinist Michiru Kaioh, who appear as Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune, whose duty is to guard the Solar System against external threats. Physics student Setsuna Meioh, Sailor Pluto's reincarnation, joins Uranus and Neptune in their mission to kill a mysterious girl named Hotaru Tomoe, whom they identify as the Guardian of Destruction Sailor Saturn. However, when Saturn awakens she joins the final fight against the main antagonists of the arc, the Death Busters, sacrificing her life in the process. With her newly obtained powers as Super Sailor Moon, Usagi restores the Earth and Hotaru is reincarnated as a baby.

Academic Timothy J. Craig attributes Sailor Moon's international success to three things. First was the show's magical girl transformation of ordinary characters into superheroes. Second was the ability of marketers to establish the international audience's connection to characters despite their culture being Japanese. The third was that the main superhero was female, something which was still rare in pop culture in countries like the United States during the 1990s.[143]

Sailor Guardians are magical girls who are initially presented as super-heroes who use their powers to vanquish the forces of evil. They are each associated with an object in outer space. These celestial bodies include stars, planets, moons, asteroids, and comets among other objects. be457b7860

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