We donate books for middle-class children to children studying in government school in rural areas.

हर बच्चा, चाहे वह कोई भी हो या कहीं से भी आया हो, शिक्षा तक पहुंच का हकदार है।

With your help and support, we will be able to educate every last child in our country!

Can I donate books to the library?

We have small reading room in our Centre. We will be more than happy to keep your books there.

Can I organise a book donation drive in my School, office or community?

Sure, this is the best way to support us by spreading word around. You can organise book donation camp in your School, College, Office, Residential society and any other place of your choice.

Can you pick up books from my home?

Yes, we can collect books from your home, but it depends on the number of books and the location.

Can I get an acknowledgement receipt of my book donation?

Yes, we provide receipt of each and every donation of books we receive.