Osho Es Dhammo Sanantano Pdf Download

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How to Download Osho's Es Dhammo Sanantano PDF for Free

Es Dhammo Sanantano (  ) is a series of 122 discourses by Osho on the Dhammapada, a collection of sayings of Gautama Buddha. These discourses were given during November 21, 1975 to December 10, 1977 in Hindi. Osho explores the essence of Buddha's teachings and their relevance for the modern seeker of truth.

If you are interested in reading or listening to these discourses, you can find them online for free on Osho World[^1^], a website dedicated to Osho's vision and work. You can also download them as PDF files or MP3 files from the Internet Archive[^2^] [^3^], a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, music, and more.

To download Osho's Es Dhammo Sanantano PDF for free, follow these steps:

Go to this link on the Internet Archive.

Scroll down to the section that says "Download Options".

Click on the PDF icon to download the entire series as a single PDF file.

Alternatively, you can click on the individual links below the PDF icon to download each discourse as a separate PDF file.

You can also listen to the audio version of these discourses by clicking on the play button next to each link or by downloading the MP3 files from the same section.

We hope you enjoy reading or listening to Osho's Es Dhammo Sanantano and find inspiration and insight from his words.Here are a few more paragraphs for the article:

Osho was a mystic, philosopher, and spiritual master who taught a unique form of meditation that combines awareness, relaxation, and celebration. He also spoke on various topics such as love, freedom, creativity, sexuality, and religion, challenging conventional wisdom and provoking his listeners to question their beliefs and assumptions.

Osho's teachings are not based on any doctrine or dogma, but on his own direct experience of life and existence. He encourages everyone to find their own truth and to live authentically and joyfully. He says: "My whole effort here is to release the hidden splendor in every human being. That splendor can become a light unto itself."

If you want to learn more about Osho's teachings and his vision of a new humanity, you can visit his official website[^1^], where you can find books, videos, audios, magazines, and online courses that cover various aspects of his work. You can also join the Osho International Meditation Resort in Pune, India, where you can experience his meditations and therapies in a beautiful and supportive environment.Here are a few more paragraphs for the article:

One of the most distinctive aspects of Osho's teachings is his approach to meditation. Osho created many meditation techniques that are designed for contemporary people who live in a fast-paced and stressful world. He said: "All the techniques that I have developed are for contemporary people."[^4^]

Osho's meditation techniques are not traditional methods of sitting quietly and watching the breath. They are active, dynamic, and expressive. They involve movement, sound, breathing, and catharsis. They help to release the pent-up emotions, tensions, and traumas that block our natural flow of energy and prevent us from being ourselves.

Some of the most popular Osho meditation techniques are: Dynamic Meditation[^1^] [^4^], a five-stage process that starts with chaotic breathing and ends with silence; Kundalini Meditation[^1^], a four-stage process that involves shaking, dancing, sitting, and lying down; Nataraj Meditation[^1^], a three-stage process that involves dancing, stillness, and celebration; Nadabrahma Meditation[^1^], a two-stage process that involves humming and hand movements; and No-Mind Meditation[^1^], a seven-day process that involves gibberish and silent sitting. 66dfd1ed39

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