Curriculum Vitae    

"There is no substitute for hard work"

Thomas Alba Edison


· Ph. D. Student (2018-2023)

Department of Physics, Cinvestav.

Advisor :  Riccardo Capovilla.

· MSc. Student (2016-2018)

Departmentof Physics, Cinvestav.

Advisor:  Riccardo Capovilla.

· BSc. Student (2011-2016)

Faculty of Physics, BUAP.

Advisor: Cupatitzio Ramirez Romero.

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less"

Marie Curie

Participation in events.

· Seminar of Veracruz University (On April 27, 2022) participation with talk titled   "Jacobi Equation of Geodetic Brane Gravity".

· Seminar of Veracruz University (On December 18, 2020) participation with talk titled   "Brane Universe".

· Cosmology for Student (On December  15, 2020) participation with talk titled   "Brane Universe".

· Mexican Workshop on Particles and Fields (October 21-25, 2019) participation with talk titled   "A covariant simultaneous action for branes".

· Mathematical Relativity: A Riemannian Approach (May 27-29, 2019) at CIMAT in Guanajuato city.

· Mexilazos (November 26-27, 2018) at UAM in Mexico city.

·6th ICTP Latin American String School  (October 26 - November 6, 2015) at Cinvestav in Mexico city.

· Mexican School on string and supersymmetry (June 8-16, 2015) in Guanajuato city.

· LVII Mexican Physics Congress (October 6-10, 2014) participation with work titled "Interpretation of a system of unstable oscillators."

· LVI Mexican Physics Congress (October 28- November 1, 2013)  participation with  work titled  "Interpretation in a spring system of the spontaneous breaking of symmetry" at USLP in San Luis Potosi.

"Science, my lad, is made up of mistakes, but they are mistakes which it is useful to make, because they lead little by little to the truth"

Jules Verne


· Postdoctoral  Fellowship (2024-present) granted by Conahcyt.

· Ph. D. Fellowship (2018-2023) granted by Conacyt.

· MSc. Fellowship (2016-2018) granted by Conacyt.

·Young researches autumn VII (September 21-November 13, 2015). Investigation project: "On quantization of non-conservative systems", granted by VIEP.

·Young researches spring X (February 16- May 21, 2015). Investigation project: Variational formulation of evolutionary models, granted by VIEP.

·Young researches autumn VI  (September 15- November 12, 2014). Investigation project: "Spring chain and isotonic oscillator", granted by VIEP.

· Young researches spring IX (February 17-May 16, 2014). Investigation project: Interpretation of tachyons in a spring system,  granted by VIEP.

"A thinker sees his own actions as experiments and questions--as attempts to find out something. Success and failure are for him answers above all"

Friedrich Nietzsche


·    Full-time professor (February 2023 - January 2024). at IEU.

· Academic Support assistant (February-April, 2021). Mathematical methods, classical           mechanics, electromagnetism and thermodynamics assistantships to students who wanted to enter the Cinvestav master's program.

· Academic Support assistant (February-April, 2020). Mathematical methods, classical mechanics, electromagnetism and thermodynamics assistantships to students who wanted to enter the Cinvestav master's program.

· Teaching assistant of Electromagnetism (January-June, 2018).  Electromagnetism assistantships to students who wanted to enter the Cinvestav master's program.