Giovanni Burro
Post-doctoral researcher
Heidelberg University
Since October 2023 I am a post-doctoral researcher (Assistant Professor, non-tenure track) at the chair of Economic Theory I of Heidelberg University
Make hay while the sun shines: an empirical study of maximum price, regret and trading decisions (with Brettschneider J. and Henderson V.) Accepted by Journal of the European Economic Association [Slides]
Imagining the Future: Memory, Simulation and Beliefs (with Bordalo, P.; Coffman, K.; Gennaioli, N.; and Shleifer, A.) Accepted by Review of Economic Studies
Download my CV here
My research interests are at the intersection of Behavioural Economics and Decision Making, with expertise in Experimental Economics. I study how Economic Theories of Decision Making influence the way individuals make choices in financial markets and household decisions. More in general, I am interested in several aspects of Judgement and Decision Making, from an empirical point of view.
I was the Manlio Resta award winner for the best MSc dissertation in Economics, Finance or Management in Italy
My Google Scholar profile; my research; a list of events which I attended
Patience PELI data available for download here
Contact details:
Heidelberg University | Alfred-Weber-Institute for Economics
Room 01.009
Bergheimer Str. 58
69115 Heidelberg
Office hours upon request