
CNN Chile, Programa Divergentes 2023, Partícula Elemental


Taller científico para niñas de enseñanza media

Science workshop  aimed at high-school girls, led together with Prof. Francisca Garay from PUC and SAPHIR Millenium Institute. We plan to to teach girls transferable skills (such as fundamental physics, programming, electronics) through the development of a particle physics experiment as well as useful human/professional skills (such as resilience and effective communication), with the hope to give them the necessary tools, in a safe and un-biassed environment, to help them decide wether or not to pursue a future scientific career. 

Ver noticia (Spanish): 


Radio ADN : https://www.adnradio.cl/ciencia/2022/07/22/taller-para-ninas-atomicas-academica-nos-hablo-sobre-este-proyecto.html

Instagram LIVE

Follow our instagram @uaiphysics to hear informally about the latest topics in Physics and Astronomy at Universidad Adolfo Ibanez ! I have been an invited speaker and host this semester, every Tuesday @ 7pm EDT time ! #MartesDeFisica. See my LIVEs on Particle Physics and Science

Martes de Física & Astronomía UAI - Capítulo 5 – Física de partículas en el LHC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRmM-_JuhPo

Martes de Física & Astronomía UAI - Capítulo 6 – Ciencia entre Mundos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jk8FYebEY_U

LHC Masterclass 2020

Iniciativa internacional para estudiantes escolares con el objetivo de acercar la física de partículas y analizar datos reales del Gran Colisionador de Hadrones. 

Chilean participation/coordination (together with Prof. Francisca Garay from PUC ) @ LHC MasterClass 2020. Ver notica aqui: https://noticias.uai.cl/fisica-mundial-al-alcance-de-la-educacion-chilena/

Science magazine 2019

Read this Science article on long-lived particle searches at the Large Hadron Collider by Adrian Cho, who interviewed me and collaborators for this piece https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/05/atom-smasher-could-be-making-new-particles-are-hiding-plain-sight 

Cápsula educativa

¿Qué es la electricidad? Cápsula Educativa, Proyecto 100 Cápsulas, ver y reflexionar (Spanish) organised by Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez . 

Ver video here (Spanish)


I was recognised by a Chilean newspaper in "Ediciones Especiales, La Tercera" in March 2019 as a women that breaks stereotypes, given my physics research path in Asia and in a professional environment mostly occupied by men.

Podcast, Scientists not the Science and Cavendish Inspiring Women

Done by Dr. Stuart Higgings for the group Cavendish Inspiring Women (CiW), (which helps to raise the visibility of women working in physics) to hear what I do and why here. Understanding the Universe.