Giovanna Colombetti

Hello, I'm a Professor of Philosophy at the Department of Sociology, Philosophy, and Anthropology of the University of Exeter, UK.

I work primarily on emotion and the field of '4E cognition' (embodied, embedded, enactive and extended cognition). Since my PhD, I have worked to reconceptualise various affective phenomena from a dynamical, embodied-enactive, and situated perspective. In both my teaching and research I draw quite liberally on phenomenology, analytic philosophy, and theoretical and experimental work in psychology and neuroscience. More recently I have become interested in the contribution that the social sciences and the field of material culture studies can make to our understanding of affectivity, in particular in the context of philosophical debates on the 'situated' and even 'extended' nature of the mind.

I have created this site to list my publications and allow easy retrieval of them.

For my official University of Exeter website, click here.